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  1. maveryck21

    Foliage Texture

    Hi there, I need to create a foliage texture to make some new trees, and i've heard of masked and channel alpha to create the texture to make it transparent on same parts but i can't do it. I created the texture and put it tranparent, in hammer it apeears the "T" of transparent apeears but it...
  2. maveryck21

    help! Light in outdoor map

    Hi there, I have a problem, i am making a map outdoor very very big and i need to light it but i have already put an enormous number of lights but the foliage apeear dark anyway, but only the foliage because the path end the rest is quite bright. I used light enviroment, a lot of them. Can...
  3. maveryck21

    Vehicle Explosion

    Hi there, I want to build a vehicle and then explode it, but i don't wat it to disapeear. How can i do it? which entity i have to assign? Ah and i also want it to move with the player on it. How can i do it? Thanks for any help
  4. maveryck21

    Translucent Textures

    Hi there I want to create a translucent texture, i used already a vmt of another texture created by some guy, alex_light textures, but my texture continues to be opaque. I have to alter the texture in paint shop to give a diferente background, is it the vmt or what. Thanks for any help...
  5. maveryck21

    Exploding an Unimog

    hi there, I have created en Unimog, it's a kind of truck, and i wanto it to blow up. How can i do it? Whic entity do i have to associate it to explode and disapear some parts of it but not totaly. Thanks for any help
  6. maveryck21

    Máximum Entities Help

    Hi there I'have made a map but it gives me an error when i try to compile it. Here is my compile log: ** Executing... ** Command: "C:\PROGRAMAS\VALVE\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\LABPSICOM\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe" ** Parameters: -game "C:\Programas\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\labpsicom\half-life 2\hl2"...
  7. maveryck21

    Sit down Npc

    Hi there I'm having a problem with the npc. I want to make a npc to sit down and stay like that but in hammer he looks sit when i change the model but in hammer he apeears stand up. How can i make him to sit down and stay sit. I have already tried with npc_citizen, actor_generic and...
  8. maveryck21

    Paint Alpha Problems

    I've a problem with the paint alpha tool for the displacement surface. I use a blend texture but when i apply the paint alpha it works in hammer but when i compile the map and run it it apeears as a normal texture, it doesn't make the transition. Thanks fpr any help
  9. maveryck21

    DLL not found :S

    What should i do when this apeears? "Failed do load launcher DLL: The specified module could not be found" :S
  10. maveryck21

    Putting new models

    Hi ppl I have downloaded some tree models from snarkpit, and i have put them in the hl2\models folder, but when i try to put them in the hammer they don't apeear with texture and i can't compile the map Thanks For any help
  11. maveryck21

    Apllying new skins

    Hi ppl I need to modify the skin of the citizens in order that they look more like soldiers but i don't know how to modify their skin :S Thanks For any help
  12. maveryck21

    Putting Models in hammer

    I want tu use some models in hammer but i don't know where to put the models, and what are the kind of files of the mods. Thanks for any help
  13. maveryck21

    3ds Max to hammer

    Hi there I have a model built in 3ds studio max that i wanted to build and modify in hammer to use in half life 2. Is there some kind of convertor or something like that? thanks for any help
  14. maveryck21

    Multiple Entities

    How can i put a large number of entities at the same time? I want to put some prop_static to use some trees but i want a lot of them, is there a way tu put multiple at the same time? thanks for any help
  15. maveryck21

    Africa Map and models

    Yes was in snarkpit that i have downloaded the tree models, but now i don't know where to put the .mdl files, so that they apear on hammer when i'm building my level Thanks
  16. maveryck21

    Africa Map and models

    Hi ppl i need some help I'm trying to make a forest, jungle, savanna scenario, but i am not able to do it because i don't know which trees to put or even how can i put some trees and make a path trought them, etc can somebody help me I also am trying to use some tree's models that i have...
  17. maveryck21

    Plane Textures

    Sorry by my english ppl tou have to give me a break, i'm portuguese and the english is not my strong language... but keep correcting me, we are always learning... :dork: :P keep up the good work
  18. maveryck21


    How can i fix my map when apeears "Can't fix to many t-junctions?" Thanks for any help :afro:
  19. maveryck21

    My map don't Compile - Compile Log

    Ok and how can i fix that problem?
  20. maveryck21

    Plane Textures

    A real plane, the kind that flys, an airplane yes sorry