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  1. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Close, I'm going to Germany. To Americans a 700km drive might seem like nothing, but remember: I'm Dutch. You could throw a rock from one side of the country to the other, we're not used to driving long distances.
  2. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    I spoke to the professor supervising my thesis last week and we chose a closing date for the survey: May 14th. I will be closing it down that day as soon as I'm awake (which could be quite late: returning from a short holiday on May 13th, 700km drive to get back home). I will take care of the...
  3. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Thank you all for filling it out, and sorry for my late response. I have been doing statistics, which make my brain numb. The entire thing was in reference to video games. I assumed that writing an intro would be sufficient to make this clear, but you're not the first to ask. I think I should...
  4. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    No, thank you! What kind of beer will Gordon be getting? I hope it's going to be good.
  5. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    I think I overlooked that single word when translating the Dutch version because it's completely buried with layout code :D
  6. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Woops, thank you. Fixing it right away!
  7. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Sure, anytime! You are taking the time to fill it out, it wouldn't be very nice of me not to respond.
  8. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    There's always a risk involved when offering prizes. So far it appears that no-one has breezed through the survey (it logs the time of the first visit and the time of pressing the submit button), but I have to make sure I remove people that filled out the entire survey in like 1 minute. I...
  9. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    It always does. Thanks!
  10. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    So ValveTime really does break everything! Well, thank you for filling it out, and I don't think this once question will make that much of a difference. And I did remove the "back" buttons, so maybe it's my fault.
  11. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Good to know :)
  12. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Thank you! I think my website went down for a few seconds. It wasn't even long enough to trigger my script that checks if the db is alive every 5 minutes.
  13. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    I was able to log in, backup my data, gain access to the db itself and access both the Dutch and English questionnaires, so I think it's back up. Don't know what the hell just happened, I hope this is a one time glitch. The survey has been running for over a week now without any major issues.
  14. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Omg, thank you for reporting this, going to check the db now. This is a very nice example of "15 on a 1-10 scale of bad things that can happen". Edit: looks like my entire site just went down. Grrrrrrrrrr
  15. H

    My thesis on gaming - survey

    Hello fellow valvers, My name is Huib and I'm currently working on my master's thesis. I'm doing some research on gaming, for data collection I have set up an online survey. I wanted to ask you guys to fill it out. It will take about 15 minutes of your time and as a thank you I will be giving...