Search results

  1. F

    Poetry in Portal.

    The word immediately preceeding "ammo" is "maybe" ... perhaps it's "The cube has (had?) food in it / maybe ammo" The part between food and maybe is too garbled for me to tell for sure, but "find immortality" is barely legible. The red writing (blood?) looks like it just says "why why why ...
  2. F

    Goofy Radio Music

    I think that there's some websites out there that you can use to send ringtones to your phone, but I don't know how well they work, etc. You can also buy a cable and transfer software for most modern phones, though it's usually poorly designed and a PitA to get to connect properly. Every time...
  3. F

    *spoiler* portal stupidity

    What about the fact that earlier in the game you drop down into a broken one and get whisked along by the air pressure? :p I tried the chair in the fan thing too (think I mentioned that) and it somehow magically killed me ...
  4. F

    OMG Companion Cube KEY RING!

    Then I don't suggest you Rule 34 search Portal. Not that I'd know ... And if you don't know what Rule 34 is, you don't want to.
  5. F

    Goofy Radio Music

    It's a pervasively catchy tune. I had the full version stuck in my head for the better part of my hockey game tonight.
  6. F

    Omg, Teh Burned Companion Cube!

    Oh noes saddest thing evAr. ;_;
  7. F

    Goofy Radio Music

    You can download it here if you're bound to Xbox like I am (Rapidshare link). It's my main ringtone on my cell phone now. :D To put it on most cell phones, you'll probably need to convert it into an mp3. I'd recommend using Audacity for that if you don't already have something. You'll have...
  8. F

    *spoiler* portal stupidity

    I, like everyone else, got into the vent with a lot of trying with various objects. I finally succeeded by stacking a chair on top of a computer. Then in my confusion, I tried to jam the fan with a chair. Not only did the fan blade pass right through the chair, it also apparently smashed my...
  9. F

    How difficult is this game?

    I wouldn't say hearing Still Alive before playing the game ruined anything for me. Maybe, as FriedChiken said, I didn't get the contrast between GLaDOS's personality and the whimsical tone of the song to its full effect, but it certainly didn't spoil the game. As for the actual gameplay, no...
  10. F

    Portal Quotes. *Spoilers Within*

    Perhaps the best fragment of a line there is! You mentioned something about GCFScape ... is there a similar means of having these quotes at my demand? Seems to be a Steam-related thing, and my copy's for the Xbox ... Aww, you left out the part about how an intubation associate will be...