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  1. lePobz

    GT5 Seasonal Events - Whats the craic?

    Anyone else really disappointed with the latest release of seasonal events? Roughly 20,000 a race for 5 mins work instead of the previous 2million+ credits for 8 minutes work. Naff-all experience points too. I think they are losing the plot. </rant>
  2. lePobz

    Private Pilot Training

    I have had a go in a piper warrior, can see why you're a fan of flying - nothing else comes close. I can't believe people get paid to do that all day.
  3. lePobz

    Just when I decide to upgrade, shit hits the fan

    It's not really an issue, just a good excuse to get a hardware raid card and a couple of SSD's
  4. lePobz

    Who is still here from the good old days?

    Yeah that was the one, I resized it and had 'lepobz' flashing at the bottom in a hypnotic fashion. Seemed to work too, everyone remembers the boobs!
  5. lePobz

    Who is still here from the good old days?

    Pfft. I only quit early when you're in there. I can't find my old avatar :-(
  6. lePobz

    Who is still here from the good old days?

    Banning event?? I remember pretty much everyone in here, but the boards seem much quieter now... Pi must have really gone to town.
  7. lePobz

    Who is still here from the good old days?

    Not been around in a while, but see some familiar names! </nostalgia> :imu:
  8. lePobz

    California man killed by armed bird

    Death penalty for the chicken :-(
  9. lePobz

    Tonight, Tonight

    This is on the long ending for GT5, playing during a lap of the nurburgring nordschleife whilst the credits roll - an epic gaming moment if ever there was one :-D ps. thread revivial ftw.
  10. lePobz

    Face/Off For Real

    If he isn't castor troy, it isn't face/off for real.
  11. lePobz

    Polish President Killed in Plane Crash

    I read the title and thought Mr Sheen had finally snuffed it. RIP
  12. lePobz

    What happened to winamp?

    I still use winamp ... If you strip out all the bloatware, underneath it's still quite refined. Beats WMP anyway.
  13. lePobz

    235 MPG Volkswagon

    My car does 30 mpg, which is pretty expensive when I do 250 to 300 miles a week. Could get a bluemotion golf I suppose, or a diesel lupo ... both good for around 80 mpg I wouldn't dare take the little VW concept mentioned above on a motorway, looks like it'd be so hard to see by other road...
  14. lePobz


    I'm not asking you to like it, I'm asking if you like it ... But i'll stay :p
  15. lePobz


    Not really heard any Kasabian stuff, but 'Fire' came on the radio on the drive home, and its become entangled in my head. Anyone else like this?
  16. lePobz

    To all of

    I don't know you, but thanks anyway.
  17. lePobz

    How do you ride a bike...

    Stay off the roads, you're a liability to all us road-tax-paying ignorant maniac drivers. If you want to ride a bike, use the pavements. Hardly anyone dies from being hit by a cyclist.
  18. lePobz

    Delusions of Grandeur

    hope you have a lovely birthday and get things you want and stuff
  19. lePobz

    Abercrombie & Fitch fires one armed girl

    She should consider herself lucky, that place usually costs an arm and a leg.