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  1. WritingARequiem

    Weekly Steam News (06/10/2005)

    TheMastahC Fund Make Sure Your Money Goes To The Victim Not The Other People Who Need It :D
  2. WritingARequiem

    Rag Doll Kung Fu Pre-load Available

    Also, you can just scroll down the front page, called Steam Facelift.
  3. WritingARequiem

    Rag Doll Kung Fu Pre-load Available

    That's why I just BUY every game.:D And Valve is going to remake the Games menu, and possibly make the dream of My Games being the actual games you play, come true.
  4. WritingARequiem

    Rag Doll Kung Fu Pre-load Available

    I'm preloading it now, going to buy it tonight. I already made a pretty cool player model from scratch, and I'm going to put myself in the game. I'll post the second one when I'm finished. And I made this player model in an hour or two, so don't laugh...
  5. WritingARequiem

    Plan of Attack: Beta 4 Out Wednesday

    And a sword. Swords pwn. Better yet. Plan of Attack: Halo.
  6. WritingARequiem

    Plan of Attack: Beta 4 Out Wednesday

    THe maps look pretty good. Hand models seem too rounded and undetailed. I ahven't played since Beta 1. I'll probably download it when it comes out.
  7. WritingARequiem

    Weekly Steam News (30/09/05)

    That's why I don't usually even look at the Update comments. Or when I do, I end up calling people big words they can't understand, like "unintelligent":D
  8. WritingARequiem

    Weekly Steam News (30/09/05)

    Ragdoll Kung Fu doesn't use the Source engine. I'm just as surprised.:D
  9. WritingARequiem

    Jurassic Rage Media

    Mmmmk.... Yea, this mod news is cool, especially because I'm probably not going to get into DoD:S, never got into the original.
  10. WritingARequiem

    Rag Doll Kung Fu Available Via Steam October 12th

    Thanks a lot, I'm definately going to get started skinning for this soon. The ones Mrninya made are insane.
  11. WritingARequiem

    Rag Doll Kung Fu Available Via Steam October 12th

    Will it work in Photoshop with a blank background, or is a lot more difficult, because I've seen a Mime player model represented as a face and such in an image file. Just wondering.i
  12. WritingARequiem

    Rag Doll Kung Fu Available Via Steam October 12th

    I'm loving this 13 dollars for a game. Added with the fact of no shipping fee, and taxes( I hope), this will be awesome. If not, then woo hoo. I threw a box of donuts in the trash. I'll play the demo before hand anyway. I also like the easy character creation possibilites, so anyone who can work...
  13. WritingARequiem

    HL2 GOTY edition hits US stores

    That's pretty nice of them, even if it was their fault.
  14. WritingARequiem

    Weekly Steam News (02/09/05)

    Are people like you ever happy?
  15. WritingARequiem

    Minerva Mod Episode 1!

    Does anyone have a time they beat the game in, not a speed run, just some average time. Because I want to play this when I get home from teh sk4t3 p4Rk!!!!12
  16. WritingARequiem

    Valve Week at -- Day Five

    Unreal 3 is going to use the XBox 360 in Gears of War...yeah...
  17. WritingARequiem

    Valve Week at -- Day Five

    1) Sony isn't a god, they can make mistakes. They can assume, but they don't know everything. They have polls, but they haven't asked the guy down the street what kind of games he likes to play. Sony has been in the business a while, and if you listened to what he said about dual core...
  18. WritingARequiem

    Valve Week at -- Day Two

    I was going to make a detailed post as to why I really don't care about the manual, but I love them anyway, but I'd feel that if any part of it agreed with someone as unintelligent as Ermac, then I might have to kill myself.
  19. WritingARequiem

    Garry's Mod 8.4 Info

    I really hope that you can't ID someone when looking at them. Because then you'd have to rely on watching to see who moves, but then again, to make the game faster, maybe a 5 second locking on should show their ID.
  20. WritingARequiem

    Plan of Attack Beta 4 Media Release

    Looking good, I'll download it when it is released...and I don't remember having a rocket launcher when I played....