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  1. WritingARequiem EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

    I don't think HL2 in itself is innovative, but the Source engine it uses is.
  2. WritingARequiem EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

    m3 2!!!1 m3 2!!!1 I win.
  3. WritingARequiem EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

    That's good to know, even though I don't mind the intro, posters and such IN the game would have taken my feeling of being in the game..well..out of the game.
  4. WritingARequiem EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

    Publishers make money. Thats what they do. Thats why they are considered evil, becasue they want money and they show it. Some publishers aren't the most reliable, AKA Vivendi. Anyone remember Tribes:Vengeance. Most buggy game released, but then they were going to release a patch, VU cancelled...
  5. WritingARequiem EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

    Seriously, this doesn't affect the game. For every person who doesnt like EA, theres one-hundred who could care less who the publisher is. EA isn't having a say in the game, just marketing.
  6. WritingARequiem

    Counter-Strike: Source Showcases Simulated Society

    Playing around with civilization...would be more of an advance then any next-generation game. We would play god. All those futuristic movies that sound perposterous are starting to sound not too far away...
  7. WritingARequiem

    Counter-Strike: Source Showcases Simulated Society

    Engine's arent developed enough. Making a real world (or even a city) would be hindered by the smallest things, like growth, life-span, diseases, resources, weather. It's a flawed experiment at this point in time.
  8. WritingARequiem

    .mds and .mdf

    I legally downloaded a game and included in the folder is a 3.93 GB .mdf and a 5 KB .mds file. I have downloaded programs such as Alcohol 120% and MagicISO and WinISO, but I am not familiar with these programs. If anyone could help me to open these files, that would be great. Thanks in advance!
  9. WritingARequiem

    Ritual License Steam and Source for SiN 2

    Half-Life alone with CS:S is 50$, so don't compare with the silver package. If you do, then your comparing the hours of HL2, HL, OP4, and CZ. And seeing as how there is no publisher, the game SHOULD be cheaper than a normal game. When I see reviews for this game, and not by a PC mag, but by the...
  10. WritingARequiem

    Girls Having Fun Media

    I don't know how people like playing videogames because VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS aren't wearing clothes *cough* Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball*/cough*
  11. WritingARequiem

    Girls Having Fun Media

    The gamer in me finds this interesting. But the sexist in me kicks the other me...down there. Just kidding, looks pretty sick.
  12. WritingARequiem

    Weekly Steam News (24/06/05)

    After reading this, I'm still confused as to the availability of HDR for the rest of Half-Life 2. It sounded like they wouldn't implement it, but does anyone sho?
  13. WritingARequiem

    Steam Update

    I'd like it if Hackers get punished, but my main concern is me, and If I get to play a cheat-free game.
  14. WritingARequiem

    Steam Update

    I hope "very soon" is VERY SOON! I hate having to pick from a selection of Secure servers, which rarely have custom maps, let alone ones I want. This VAC2 update is going to pwn all teh newb h4x0r g4m3rs!!!!!!!12
  15. WritingARequiem

    Hidden: Source BETA is Released

    How is this. I'm downloading it now, sounds good, but then again, the less money you have in your computer, the better you'll be able to see the Hidden, I suppose, from what I've heard.
  16. WritingARequiem

    Caliber Mapping Update

    I like the mood it's portraying, but I don't like the lighting, Source's downfall.
  17. WritingARequiem

    Live Action City 17 Video Released

    Dude, that Asian guy who sees the strider and scanner once isn't a big deal. If you're tripping, you see headcrabs. And tripping headcrabs is a lot scarier. But seriously, looks really good
  18. WritingARequiem

    Halloween Update

    THATS INSANE. Sorry, but that is like the highlight of my life, skating in a first person shooter. Now I can pwn all teh newb h4x0r g4m3rs on a skateboard in teh r331 Lif3 as w311!!!!!12
  19. WritingARequiem

    Halloween Update

    I really wish that board was rideable. I'd pull off 3 flips and what not. Oh well, skating in a first person shooter is unheard of.
  20. WritingARequiem

    The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter Update

    They really come out with new media fast. Even if you don't like the concept, you have to respect the quality, quanity, and speed of this talented team.