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  1. G.Freeman

    HL2 vs A Flux Capictor.

    HL2 would win that one, but wouldnt have a chance against Doc Browns automatic dog food opener :P
  2. G.Freeman

    Great forum

    Hi everyone, been searching for a great HL2 forum and seem to have found the best here. Totally love HL1 and look forward to HL2 as long as its out before I'm dead.
  3. G.Freeman

    What is your favorite HL2 video and why?

    Traptown- gobsmacked when I saw 'Gordon' moving the table to block the doorway and even more gobsmacked seeing the AI try a few times to get in then finally kick the door in sending the table flying. Also the zombie chopping :D
  4. G.Freeman

    The best times from HL1.

    Yeah but in a gloriously updated, huge textured HL2 engine. How amazing would that look!!! :naughty:
  5. G.Freeman

    hl2 not so far off in the future...

    I think its around 5-10 years max. Gordan was 27 in HL1 and in the concept art he looks mid to late 30s. Also judging by the cars in the vids they are boxy and recent looking (actually even early 1990s in looks?!?)