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  1. R

    Steam servers busy????

    Updated Steam last night and now it won't let me play offline, getting above message. What's up doc??
  2. R

    Stuck with magnetic crane

    Nice one, thanks, Ray.
  3. R

    Stuck with magnetic crane

    Can't figure out what to do with magnetic crane. Was able to drop bridge but what next? Ray.
  4. R

    Sniper Alley

    Thanks, got 1st one, 2nd keeps nailing me....
  5. R

    Sniper Alley

    Thanks, got the 1st one, 2nd keeps nailing me...
  6. R

    Sniper Alley

    Can't get the height on the grenades....
  7. R

    Sniper Alley

    Been doing that, grenades don't even reach structure, never mind window........
  8. R

    Sniper Alley2

    Am I missing some method of throwing grenades further?
  9. R

    Sniper Alley

    I couldn't get the grenades to go nearly that high.....
  10. R

    Sniper Alley

    Can't get past Sniper with laser scope on train line. assistance.... assistance
  11. R


  12. R

    Stuck at Dam

    I'm stuck at the dam. assistance ... assistance... Ray.
  13. R

    HELP! Stuck in sewer

    Still stuck Couldn't find valve. Where is it in relation to ladder? Under or over water? Ray.
  14. R

    HELP! Stuck in sewer

    Stuck in big sewer room that has about 15 flammable barrels. Can get into adjacent room but that's all.... Ray.
  15. R

    Stuck in Canal

    I'm stuck in hall with the inflammable barrels?