Search results

  1. F

    Los needs modelers

    I would like to add, we are not one of those one man team mods, with no experience. We all have experience, I for one model; We are just looking for a few extra hands...
  2. F

    New moderator nominations

    Oh, oops...Sorry I did not read that. I nominate guinny, because I have seen much maturity in him, and I think he would make a good moderator.
  3. F

    New moderator nominations

    New to this board, but I plan on being very active. I am currently a moderator at the forums, and have been so for about 2 months. I think I could help out alot around here, and really do for the better.
  4. F

    The Big Mod List

    -Liberation of Seoul - Korean War -Already in development for BF1942 -Plans on moving to HL2 upon release of Software Dev. Kit. -Site will be up within a week(we lost hosting due to engine change). -Looking for a few extra hands, lost a few staff when we moved to HL2. If your intrested in...