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  1. S

    Who does Alyx know?

    But since Valve confirmed it, yes you play as Gordon. I just hope there will be different povs.
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    Who does Alyx know?

    "You" could mean the player.. not Gordon.
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    What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

    You should pick up a stunstick and a desert eagle from some dead combine and work your way up to emp rifles and overwatch plasma shotguns
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    Mistakes that I won't make with Aftermath!!!

    Lol basically ALL of hl2 was spoiled for me before I played it, even the alyx exploding in the end (I thought she died)
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    choo chooooooo!! "you" doing massive damage to the citidal could be the player, not gordon..
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    Mistakes that I won't make with Aftermath!!!

    I knew alyx died in the end of hl2 before playing it so the ending didn't ruin the game for meh before we found out she lived.
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    What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

    How about a crowbar....!!!!?? I mean what kind of fps uses a crowbar?
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    what are crab synths and mortar synths??!?!?? someone plz tell me.. I thought the only true combine was gunship/dropship/strider/strider scanner
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    does anyone have a badass hl2 desktop?

    Rofl The First One Pwned!!!!!!!!!1111
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    Ok im talking about does the gman transport you to da FUTURE on da CHOO CHOO train after HL1!!!!!!!111oneonetwo
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    HL2 Aftermath Speculation

    Ok, question.. did Valve have this expansion all planned out when finishing hl2 with that cliffhanger ending?
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    does anyone have a badass hl2 desktop?

    If anyone has a sexy hl2 desktop post it here..
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    Another question, does hl2 take place on that same horrible day at blackmesa (but in the future) once gordon kills nihilianth?
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    This brings me to think.. how did Barney get your crowbar in hl1?!? I don't remember Gordon dropping it..
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    Actually I think he looks alot cooler, and yes you play as gordon.. I hope gordon gets a katana since his crowbar got disintegrated.
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    Omg if Aftermath takes place the instant after half-life 2 what will gordon use as a weapon? No crowbar! WOOT! I was getting sick of that thing.. Guess he still has the blue gravity gun.
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    Anyone know how Gordon and Alyx escape? Seems as though Valve is breaking away from tradition and continuing expansions as Gordon. Therefore every hl number is based on location (hl1 blackmesa)(hl2 c17)(hl3 ???)
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    I Want To See This Lost Coast!!!!
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    *****Half Life 2: Aftermath**** Expansion pack coming summer

    where can you find screenshots of the lost coast!?
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    Adrian Shepard

    Pit drones attack shock roaches when they fall off of Shocktroopers.. and pit drones are their controlled pets. Yes race-x and the xenians are at war, but race-x has no desire to take over earth, just black mesa. Race-x appears the second gordon enters the teleporter.