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  1. P

    At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

    It's not about how many sales they make. It's about market share. When they sell relative to others' in the market. Selling more "total" isn't always better than selling more "during the buying boom" People buy more at christmas, and if no one buys your competitor's products during...
  2. P

    All of this... over shadows?

    i'd settle for any one, or part of one :cool:
  3. P

    At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

    "may" is the operative word here. selling more copies before the christmas boom isn't always a great thing. Having a larger share of the (ie gaming)market at certain points in the year help to control the competition. For example, if at the highest grossing period of the year, you sell the...
  4. P

    At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

    It comes down to the marketing and economy of it all. If it's a couple of days, it would probably be released. If it's a matter of weeks, it may be more feasible to hold on, get it perfect, and steal a larger market share in november.
  5. P

    All of this... over shadows?

    too many people see the d3 vs hl2 situation the same way as a "amd vs intel" or "nvidia vs ati" rivalry. when in truth, I would bet that most people that have modern computers and components will buy both titles without thinking twice about it. Which games plays or looks better is moot when...
  6. P

    At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

    3 scenerios 1) Valve is correct with their deadlinesand estimations and the game ships on the 30th 2) Vivendi is going to pull "rank" and hold off for the holiday season, as they've stated. 3) After all the promises by valve, vivendi is playing bad cop to take blame for any possible delays...
  7. P

    Is your comp ready for HL2?

    i have to build my computer before i leave for school in september. I have to choose between the 9700 and the 9800 before then. The 9800 is a great card, but i'm still going to have to see something worth paying for it over the 9700
  8. P

    ETA for HL2 Benches?

    that's too long, i may just explode
  9. P

    ETA for HL2 Benches?

    I'm holding off of buying a new video card until i see some hl2 performance. I'd love to go off of ut2k3 or even early doom3 benches, but does anyone have any clue when we'll see some numbers with hl2? I'm too excited i guess :)