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  1. F

    Copyright and Intellectual Property.

    Just a small but rather obvious note on this subject. Just because it's illegal doesn't make something necessaring wrong from an ethical standpoint. I know this has no real relevancy to the point you were making, most likely explaining why you'll remove anyone making a mod that violates...
  2. F

    Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Beta???

    *coughcoughvisualstudio.net2003architechtenterpriseeditioncoughcough* :cheese:
  3. F

    Half life SDK

    Honestly, one thing I don't really get, what is the big deal over having a scripting system? Why is everyone lately nuts about interpreted languages? Generally speaking they can be fast but unless you're an expert at building a script compiler it's usually always slower then a compiled langauge...
  4. F

    Help me please!!!!

    As someone mentioned earlier, Dev-C++ is great for learning. when you become serious about wanting fast and optimized code you'll want to get the latest Professional copy of visual studio .NET. Suffice to say, it costs an arm and a leg (thousands of dollars), so it's only for if you are...
  5. F

    Clean code

    Or just write an inlined main_body(); function :p
  6. F

    New update

    I checked the content server information, it's running so slow because for some reason all the content servers are being taxed to the limit for bandwidth, it's ridiculous. I can't even update my steam copy because of the problem.
  7. F

    Monthly Fee For MP?

    Seems you've been misinformed. The monthly fee entitles you to play ALL Valve GAMES they release so long as you keep paying your subscription fee. This has nothing to do with mods or anything else whatsoever.
  8. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    In the card drivers? I thought you had to install OpenGL seperately? That's the last thing I remember having to do dealing with it, and having a hell of a time finding what I needed too. I'd say plenty changed, the only problem is it wasn't all for the better, my main gripe is the D3DPOOL...
  9. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    I've heard of this OpenGL 1.5, yet never seen it, figured it was just some development version or something. As for having what it needs, does it have a unified (Works on all hardware) high level shading language? CG is Nvidia only and GSlang is ATI only (as well as extremely inefficient, ATI...
  10. F

    Clean code

    Something I'd also like to ask, what's so wrong with prototyping functions? The fact is if you're going to be making derrived classes and the like it's a necessity. I've never heard it was bad and for the life of me can't think of why.
  11. F

    Clean code

    The Definition of clean code is a bit tricky, generally I'd say clean code is code that always follows the same style, level of indentations, and commenting system throughought the entire project. That can be a bit difficult sometimes. In fact right now I'm debating taking a day or so to run...
  12. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    *shrugs* I was bored :p Neat, yes, realistic, no. I also think you misunderstand what I mean by special case scenarios. I'm implying that specific circumstances came together to negate the downsides of doing native ports for those games, so when there is no downside and only profit...
  13. F

    OpenGL or Direct3D ?

    I agree the statement wasn't the right one to make, however, yes, Carmack has demonstrated himself to have an anti-microsoft sentiment that defies logic, so I'd say he qualifies into that category. Though that doesn't make the statement you were quoting true.
  14. F

    Steam readying up?

    You'd still have to pay VAT even for the online version. If SOE's any indication, the EU requires online services to colect VAT for all european users. As for me, DVD special edition all the way, I'm not buying anything less then the biggest uber-packaged version they've got :p
  15. F

    OpenGL or Direct3D ?

    We allready basically had this discussion in another thread. Neither is "better" depending on your needs. OpenGL is good for when you MUST maintain cross-compatability with other Operating systems. It can do everything Direct 3D can, with one caveat, it takes a lot longer to do it the OpenGL...
  16. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    And see, you keep forgetting that there's a thing called circumstances. The fact of tha matter is it can be profitable but it is NOT always profitable. I explained why both Epic and iD, which I know at least a little about, have chosen to do what they've done, I never knew much about savage of...
  17. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    my points are scattered throughought my posts, so I'll make a quick summary. OpenGL: It takes too long to work with, when 2.0 comes out things may change, but until then it's second fiddle to D3D, which comes as part of a nice integrated windows solution. Multiple-platforms: Can be good...
  18. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    I'm saying there CAN be, but it's not always there, I'm trying to destroy the myth it's always good and should be done 100% of the time to everything. Epic's a case scenario where it costs them zero extra to make a port so they can do it, your average developer will not be able to make that same...
  19. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    Since the time limit on editing's expired (why did the admins enable it? honestly what good does it serve?) I'll add this, which I probably should've explained earlier. By grounding in terms of reality I mean I want people to think twice before demanding everything become ported to X OS (replace...
  20. F

    OpenGL in HL2

    Physically it's just the kernel, the result of a project started in the early 90's by Linus Torvalds, but it has its whole stigma and community associated with it. The fact is that while it may still use the same kernel it won't be linux in the spirit of what linux originally was. Take lindows...