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  1. CombineSoldier

    What's Breen Saying?

    ubernerd :P really, all this does is make me want to manipulate more crates into them
  2. CombineSoldier

    LAnding Pods in Ravenholm

    Maybe there is a sercret allience formed between former UN and Combine? Perhapes World agreed to live under Breen and Combine If they protected agenst the head crabs and zombies. And from what ive seen, all the zombies are defently human rebels. I dont know how to explain, I just thing that...
  3. CombineSoldier

    What's Breen Saying?

    In traptown, red blood Baiting bugs, green blood 75% Human 25% Alien (Xen?)
  4. CombineSoldier

    Which SKU?

    The amazon says its one player, but im asking, Is it the SP or the MP?
  5. CombineSoldier

    Which SKU?

    Can someone please verify which SKU Amazon is selling? TIA