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  1. Viper118

    Screen Size

    19" *viewable* LCD Here's my baby:
  2. Viper118

    the camed HL2 vids

    Welcome to the chaos, Mutt. Here's a site that might help:
  3. Viper118

    Do you think HL2 will "grab" you?

    Let me explain my question. When I first played HL1 and the whole train sequence began, I felt that I was distinctly involved in an experience like no other. It was not just another game. I was instantly "grabbed" by the story and totally involved from the beginning. With all the good games...
  4. Viper118

    I wonder how long ...

    HL1 took a very long time to beat the first time, and I remember Gabe saying HL2 would be roughly the same length.
  5. Viper118

    Your bills on gold date

    I expect HL2 to hit Steam on the 30th and stores a week or two later.
  6. Viper118

    What have you done to prepare for HL2?

  7. Viper118

    What have you done to prepare for HL2?

    I've seriously been upgrading my computer. My last purchase was one of the new Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS models. It should arrive this week, and I'll do a full format to have everything in top shape. The days before the 30th, I'll sleep a lot to prepare for the upcomming lack of sleep and...
  8. Viper118

    New Video

    8 minutes until I behold the goodness. :dork:
  9. Viper118

    New Wallpaper- "HL2-Life"

    I like that. A higher res version would rock though. :cool:
  10. Viper118

    2 new wallpapers !!

    Lunar Pages is also ranked in the top 3 by just about any hosting review site in terms of service and extras provided. ;)
  11. Viper118

    2 new wallpapers !!

    If you need a GOOD host for CHEAP, check out these guys. I use them, and the service/packing/price could not be any better. 94 bucks a year for half a gig storage and 20 GIGS transfer limit each month. Lunar Pages
  12. Viper118

    2 new wallpapers !!

    BWMASTER, love your site. How much bandwidth do you use? I might be able to help ya out.