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  1. K

    Counter-strike 2 in development

    ive seen atleast 2 interviews with valve employees saying CS2 is being worked on, Gooseman confirmed it himself somwhere. i cant beleieve some of the stupid shit speculation that people come up with on here like: CS2 will cost £10000 and be a pay-to-play and like only available on steam blah...
  2. K

    Multiplayer ?

    please doy you people EVER read things before making comments?? Gabe has already said there will be a multiplayer but no details about what it will be. He has indeed said TF2 wont be the multiplayer or words to that effect and i presume CS2 will be just a free mod not shipped because they...
  3. K

    Napalm Gun In HL2

    eerrrrmmmmmmm does it not look rather like a flare that he fires from that gun?? looks like it to me and someone has mentioned it before. The way is stick in and then flares up just looks similar to scenes in films with flare guns etc. although its a rather big gun for it unless thats just...
  4. K

    Counter-strike 2 in development

    its already being made SpuD......... why do people still say things like "im sure it will be", "it will cost" etc. etc. when blatantly 100000000000000 posts ahve been confirming its being made and almost sure it will be a free mod. Kam
  5. K

    Hl2 preview -

    in some places yes i do believe so....... but then there are some reputable review sites....... and theres also the little fact that i dont think Valve really care if people hype the game or not....... they think its gd..... and they hope the consumers will. If its a gd game, its a gd game nd...
  6. K

    Tf2 Is Retail Gabe Says!!!!

    TF2 WILL BE RETAIL........ its been said more recently. this is old but the point is still true..... TF2 wont be HL2's multiplayer. Kam
  7. K

    It's Time For Some New Speculation!

    hmmmmm i dont think Gordan will go back to Black Mesa.... not in this isntallment anyhow..... i mean its like 6 months after the original and Opp For had the same ime frame..... 6 months is a long time. If it had survived the Militart wouldda done something to it by then. Black Mesa was a great...
  8. K

    Edge E3 Edition

    errr mrBadger....... NO THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE XEN IN HL2... or do you think that you know more than the developers........ since mr Doug Lombardi already said there wouldn't. Kam
  9. K

    Dude Alyx is hot

    so your saying youve never looked at a picture on the computer of anyone and though "wow shes hot".... afterall.... thats just pixels on the screen. fair enough its of a real person but Alyx could be modelled on someone real..... personally she doesn't turn me on but i aint denying that if a...
  10. K

    splintering wood

    i enver saw a pice of 2 by 4..... look more like old roten bits of 4 by 1.... certainly doesn't look like a 2 by 4......... DEFINATELY doesn't imo. much thinner.... and possibly wider... not to sure on that aspect. Kam
  11. K


    would you lot jsut stop ****ing moaning about parts of the game you have no idea about..... HL was a great game... Valve rekon HL2 is MUCH better........ ok speculate but dont start moaning about it. trust Valve and IF they **** up THEN you may be able to moan..... but its their game and im...
  12. K

    A rather interesting quotes you will find, shall we say 'interesting'

    whats so conspiring about it?? it just confirms that TF2 will be a standalone game.... and now im speculating that it is a game about some sort of militart service.... maybe for a character from HL..... possibly..... that would be cool....... aswell as just one AMAZING online experience...
  13. K

    Multiplayer...This is my final answer..

    oh noldor DO please show me where anyone has said CS2 has been ind eveloment for 2 years..... please.... pretty please..... has cs even been retail for that long?? msot ive heard is that gooseman has been working on it for a bit.... nothing close to 2 years though. maybe i missed that but...
  14. K

    Multiplayer...This is my final answer..

    this is what we know.... some ppl still seem to comment on the contrary. 1) TF2 is in development and an announcement will be made soon OR after hl2 has been released. 2) CS2 is DEFINATELY already in development (gooseman has said hes working on it)..... and i think DoD2 is also being...
  15. K

    New alien discovered?

    ermmmm no. sorry but the reason people had to remvoe scanned images from magazines is for the simple fact that it is a breach of copyright laws. The magazines with the screenies were ALWAYS going to be released a few weeks before E3 and they were. its just like nicking a piece of graphical art...
  16. K

    HL2 Changes?

    guys remember some of these demos were taken from builds back in September....... thats a whole year to tweak things. they actually only started making the maps and gameplay things not so long ago as they spent SO SO SO long on the engine and physics. Kam
  17. K

    Worried about my computer running HL2

    currently i got a xp2100+ and a ti4200 overclocked. i shall be upgrading to: A64/Opteron nforce3/4 mobo or similar 512mb ram in two stick if proccessor/mobo support the dual ddr. rad 9800 AIW or 9700 AIW. and i will get the x86-64 version of HL2 if its released at the same time as i...
  18. K

    Weapons Section

    aye the tech demo was from a build in September last year... i dont think the gameplay demos are from anything earlier than this year to be honest. so the blue beam im guessing is an earlier build. It certainly ins;t secondary fire since the secondary fire of the Manipulator actually propells...
  19. K

    *ping!* IDEA

    aye.. HL2 AND STALKER........ them too games make Christmas seem like this boring day off in the distant future LONG after i ahve sampled the joys of the greatest games to be of all time. Doom3 should be pretty cool too.... and XIII looks classy. Far Cry though might be gd but looks more like...
  20. K


    just edit the avatar urself........ not hard with a proggy like Photoshop,,, and because it is a Vector based program (i think) if you paste the pic into a new file and edit it from there then there should be VERY LITTLE deformation due to the resizing. Kam