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  1. Fisheye

    Thread deleted but my post is important!

    Grow up PLS. I'm starting to understand Cerberus' statement about maturity on this forum... Just don't reply if you haven't something good to say. And don't worry about all these upcoming mods. Most of them are kids and their mod will probably never reach an alpha version. Especially not when...
  2. Fisheye

    Newcomer looking for a mod team

    Cerberus is right, but you should not generalize mrBadger with the forum.
  3. Fisheye

    Newcomer looking for a mod team

    Re: hmm Why do you post in here then? You pretend like you are the only mature one on this forum. If you don't like this forum I won't stop you to leave. Goodbey. :dozey:
  4. Fisheye

    Mod - Aerial K9

    jep u can fly different plains, drive different vehicles or wield some stationairy canons, aa, machineguns... WOII style
  5. Fisheye

    Mod - Aerial K9

    Battlefield 1942 anyone?
  6. Fisheye


    cerberus u are almost doing the same thing... U only leave some letters from the word mmorpg in the sentence: im making a cyberpunk mmorpg. :cool:
  7. Fisheye

    AD&D Mod

    Draklyne u must be extremely bored... :x
  8. Fisheye

    Counter and Effect - Looking for PR-guy etc..

    internals things do not belong on public forums. PM the guy then. greetz
  9. Fisheye

    More News!!

    Yes this site lacks news. If you want to keep your visitors, the site needs daily updates.
  10. Fisheye

    Counter and Effect - Looking for PR-guy etc..

    Erhm can u guys speak normal english? It's a bit annoying for people from other countries... like me. Wat zou jij zeggen als ik constant in het nederlands bezig ben?
  11. Fisheye

    A little late reaction no? :cool:
  12. Fisheye

    HL2 Mapping and Modding Site

    Think your site will be a great succes if u would finish it
  13. Fisheye

    little people

    mybe plastic soldiers :')
  14. Fisheye


    Pretty good, but i suggest you find yourself another font, same on your other works, i like them verry much, but that font ruins much imo.
  15. Fisheye

    little people

    pretty neat idea idd. Would rock also for multiplayer ^^
  16. Fisheye

    Which name is better for a cyberpunk mod?

    idd corporate anarchy is a little better
  17. Fisheye

    DEATHROW_inmate DOOM³ model concept

    verry nice dude. Especially for 3 hours.
  18. Fisheye

    HL2 Mapping and Modding Site

    @ Majestic « iko0n stopped with the project, loque has taken over.Catch me on the forums, i am 'iko0n' » check IRC channel if you don't believe me :/
  19. Fisheye

    HL2 Mapping and Modding Site

    < iko0n stopped with the project, you want to take over? well catch me on the forums, i am 'iko0n' > not anymore i guess...
  20. Fisheye


    No a website doesn't make a mod, it presents your mod.