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  1. V

    HL2 Theories

    Maybe the Barney in HL2 is the one who escaped in Blue Shift :) So Shephard could be in there somewhere as well.
  2. V

    HL2 Theories

    Don't know if this will be any use, but I just reached Nihilanth again; but before you jump through the red portal you can hear scientists talking, saying things like: "Shut down the equipment, get him out of there!" "Thank god you're here!" "We tried to warn them.." :bounce:
  3. V

    Half-Life is still scary!

    Scariest part for me was in Lambda Core, when you go against the female ninjas for the last time. As soon as they see you they disappear, and listening to their footsteps sprinting around the big red containers makes it really tense. When you finally get close to one she flips up into the air...
  4. V


    Looks like you got told ;) Personally, I've never found CS to be as bad as most people make out. Sure you get people moaning or camping for hours, but not really excessively more than in other mods and I hardly ever see cheaters on the servers I play on. The only thing I would say is that the...
  5. V

    HL2 Theories

    In the OpFor manual you see parts of Shepherd's diary saying how the G-Man was watching him during training, he probably stood out as a good soldier. But that makes me wonder whether the G-Man knew a disaster was going to take place at Black Mesa if the soldiers were being trained to be experts...
  6. V

    HL2 Theories

    I don't think he was out to recruit anyone, but when Freeman managed to get past all the aliens, marines, Black Ops and Nihilanth the G-Man recruited him. He says he admires survivors against all the odds so he spares Shepherd (who also got past the Black Ops and aliens) by merely detaining him...
  7. V

    Secondary attack for the crowbar?

    Gruesome :eek:
  8. V

    HL2 Theories

    I thought Shepherd only made that massive alien retreat back into its portal rather than kill it, but then I haven't played it for a long time. Maybe because he didn't kill it, the G-Man doesn't decide to hire him; and also whatever it was didn't have the same power as the Nihilanth to be...
  9. V

    where can u pre-order

    Sorry if I missed the thread, but what is the collector's edition?
  10. V

    Favorite Half-Life Single Player Level

    I have a game saved specifically on "We've Got Hostiles" and Surface Tension, just to be able to play them through again :D. I also like Apprehension, when you see the Security Guard get whacked and the evil music come on. First time I fought those invisible somersaulting Black Ops I was...
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    Front page news

    That sucks nietzsche ;( Great news that it's being released every where at the same time. I better pre-order now :D
  12. V

    Its 15 years since HL1, not 5!

    It's almost as interesting to find out what Freeman was doing in those 15 years, as it is to find out the Half Life 2 storyline. Although that might be part of the Half Life 2 story.
  13. V

    Half Life in Source Engine!!!!!

    Now that's a good idea :cool: It could start small and just try re-creating Half Life : Uplink, and when that works move on to the full game.
  14. V

    HL2 Intro ? :o

    Yeah, the OpFor intro had to be the best of all three, those soldiers were funny :D I wonder if Shephard will be back, the poor bastard fought his way past all those Black Ops and shock troop aliens, only to be detained by the G-Man in some strange dimension ;(
  15. V

    HL2 Weapons

    I wouldn't mind if there was an unlimited number of weapons you could carry; nor if there were restrictions. Like Bad^Hat said, if ammo was low and you only had a few weapons, it would create much more of a struggle in a distaster area. Some of the best parts of Half Life for me were when I...
  16. V

    HL2 Intro ? :o

    I won't even ask how you thought that one up :p I always imagined Half Life 2 starting with Gordon teleporting "up ahead" as the G-Man puts it, and there his employment begins. Although I don't think it would jump right into Half Life 2, I'd say Freeman is sent to City 17 to fight for the...
  17. V

    HL2 Theories

    Re: Race x That's a good theory Ogror, although I thought Race X was just another part of Xen, maybe not :). The G-Man could be human, but like the Combine soldiers he has been assimilated by an alien race (who knows which) to act as a "diplomat" throwing all races into the melee in...
  18. V

    HL2 Intro ? :o

    Freeman will be 42 if HL2 is set 15 years after the first game.
  19. V

    HL2 Theories

    I sort of picked up something about "greed" in one of the mumble .wavs, but apart from that I can't understand them. It's more interesting to listen to what Nihilianth says - when I was fighting him I never particularly listened, but he says things about "we are their slaves", "not a man, he...
  20. V

    HL2 Theories

    Was it at the end of Half Life or OpFor that the G-Man said Black Mesa would no longer be a problem? (You see the white flash of a nuke going off). As mentioned above, Xen contains the yellow crystals that start the whole Black Mesa disaster off. Perhaps the Combine (I'm not entirely sure who...