Search results

  1. Escaep, let's play Arma 2: Free

    I'll download it now. I'm free on Mondays past 9pm and Tuesdays past 11-11:30 pm. Any other day of the week I am generally free at night (except maybe like some Friday and Saturday nights if I go out.)
  2. Escaep

    Facebook tracks you even after logging out
  3. Escaep

    Battlefield 3

  4. Escaep

    Facebook tracks you even after logging out

    Wouldn't using incognito mode in Chrome or the other browsers' equivalent help circumvent this?
  5. Escaep

    WWII in photos

    Week 15: The Pacific Islands:
  6. Escaep

    Favorite GOP candidate thus far

    I know we don't have many GOP supporters on this forum, but if you HAD to pick one for the Republican nomination, who would you vote for? Haven't been able to find any full length videos of last night's debate, should start popping up today. Links and stuff: What they said and what is...
  7. Escaep

    Post a screenshot!

    Pretty cheap on GOG, only $6 each. Freespace 1 + expansion: Freespace 2: The games are mad fun though. I never really liked them as a kid for some odd reason. Back then they seemed so much more...
  8. Escaep

    So Google+ is out

    Signed up yesterday and it seems pretty nice so far but I've yet to add any friends as I'm still setting up my profile. I'll still be using Facebook though.
  9. Escaep

    Post a screenshot!

    FreeSpace 2
  10. Escaep

    Battlefield 3 Looks like i BARELY scrape by. :/
  11. Escaep

    New Valve IP "SOB" Found in Dota 2 Leak

    Super Orange Box
  12. Escaep

    Battlefield 3

    Some people do it for the rage inducing factor, others do it simply because there is a lot of $$$ to be made in selling online hacks.
  13. Escaep

    WWII in photos

    Week 14: The Eastern Front:
  14. Escaep

    Dont answer the phone it may kill you

    My mom went to a mental hospital during med school and studied a woman who believed Reagan was spreading AIDS through the telephone and plotted to assassinate him.
  15. Escaep

    A decade has gone by since 9/11/01

    I was 8 at the time in 3rd grade. No teachers or faculty told us what had happened and it was an ordinary day (though I can't blame them, we were 8 at the time.) I didn't even know what had happened till I got home and my parents told me what had occurred. At the the time, I just thought it...
  16. Escaep

    WWII in photos

    Week 13: Women at War:
  17. Escaep

    Post a screenshot!

    It most definitely isn't. Messing around with a config, filmtweaks, sun angles, etc.
  18. Escaep

    Post a screenshot!

  19. Escaep

    Post your latest music tracks/WIP's and comment!

    Not my track but my friend made it:
  20. Escaep

    Bitcoin mining

    Bump. Paul Krugman just wrote an article for the NYTimes all about BitCoins: Doesn't really go in depth that much.