Search results

  1. Punisher454

    [wip] Woman

    Ya, I figured most hard core modelers would never be cought dead using poser. And I havent converted any poser models yet, but was just looking into it, as a way of creating great numbers of different looking characters that all fit on the same frame. My take on it is that Poser isnt "MODELING"...
  2. Punisher454

    Domestic Dispute Mod Talent Search

    Hey, there's an ass built for every seat. Disclaimer: Thats not saying the person with the ass for that seat IS an Ass, its just that they have the one ass that fits that particular seat.
  3. Punisher454

    [wip] Woman

    Modeling the human form is one of the hardest things to model. The female body even more so than the male. What I did for Mine was to download some 3d scans of REAL Women. The polycount was super high and there was alot of realy wasted polys on hair (on top and down below). So anyhow I...
  4. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    The Lunar Personell Carrier is inspired by the vehicles from the movie "Battle in Outer Space". My version dosent have a conning tower in the back and it dosent articulate in the middle to steer, and it dosent have flight capability. But in many ways its similar. I think the makers of the movie...
  5. Punisher454

    maps can be 16X bigger?

    Somebody posted a message that claimed that new maps can be 16X larger. I dont doubt this, but I'm curious about the source of the info. I looked around and couldnt find anything else about it. Anybody know this one? And I wonder, is that 16X larger in total volume, or does the maximum...
  6. Punisher454

    Revolution Racing (HL2 Street Racing Modification) Needs help and some general nfo

    I found a few street racing videos. There are several at: And there is another one of the 540 tubbed nova vs the nitrous smallblock camaro on kazaa, search for "nova 540" and you'll find it, its better than the ones on the website. Be sure to crank up the...
  7. Punisher454

    Revolution Racing (HL2 Street Racing Modification) Needs help and some general nfo

    This is what activision did with Interstate '76. It was obvious what the cars were, and the names even hinted at their origins. A "Lincon Contenential" was now a "Jefferson Soverign" Ford was changed to Phedra Chevrolet became Corchevau Dodge was Dover A ram truck was a stag...
  8. Punisher454

    Revolution Racing (HL2 Street Racing Modification) Needs help and some general nfo

    I was telling story's about REAL street racing. Oh, and I did mention some german cars, a couple of VW's. Those guys were always alot of fun. I know things have changed in the last 10 years since I did any street racing. Most of the guys I used to go racing with dont go either. Too many ricers...
  9. Punisher454

    Revolution Racing (HL2 Street Racing Modification) Needs help and some general nfo

    I'll admit that I havent been out to the street races since '94, and I know some things are VERY different now that you'll mostly see imports buzzin around. But back in the day, we always raced in pairs. there was a lenghty negotiation session before most races where both drivers look over each...
  10. Punisher454

    Revolution Racing (HL2 Street Racing Modification) Needs help and some general nfo

    I have some Ideas on how to simulate engine performance upgrades realisticly. its not complicated but it would take alot of time to collect all the nessesary data. On important thing is to be sure to take datapoints from several points in the torque curve and not just use max torque and...
  11. Punisher454

    Revolution Racing (HL2 Street Racing Modification) Needs help and some general nfo

    Yes and no and no and yes. Theres alot of variables, and different cars have different requirements. A 16 second car wont go much if any faster with a pro driver or your Mom behind the wheel. but a squirly lightweight conversion car like a V8 Vega with a 950HP Blown Big Block is gonna take ALOT...
  12. Punisher454

    LoS: Vertol Helicopter renders.

    If I wasnt seriously overloaded right now I'd be happy to help. But I got WAY too much on My plate to even get My own things done right now. 3000 poly's, thats impressive, it looks a lot higher.
  13. Punisher454

    LoS: Vertol Helicopter renders.

    Thats a real chopper guys, Its just real damn old, and I'll bet there arent many still airworthy by now. Another chopper youre going to want in that mod will be the old bubble canopy Bell model 47 also know as the H-13 in the US Army. Thats a damn nice looking model, what sort of polycount...
  14. Punisher454


    Change the desease's name to something else, and a few other little things and you'll have an easier avoiding copyright problems. If anybody hasnt seen it yet, A little birdy told me that theres a verified copy floating around on Kazaa. But I wouldnt know ;)
  15. Punisher454

    ideas for mods

    A starship troopers mod done right would rock. SP or COOP. I do believe we'll be seeing a buttload of Starship Troopers mods(I refer to the movie, not the book). Aliens vs Predator has been done, but how about Aliens vs Arachnids (ST's "Bugs"). I'm still thinkin that a CHiPs mod would be...
  16. Punisher454

    ideas for mods

    George Lucas has been doing this since 1978 when he attacked Battlestar Galactica. Lucas calimed that Galactica was trying to imitate Star Wars. A judge ruled that Star Wars was about a rebelion fighting against a tyranical empire. While Battlestar Galactica was about refugees fleeing...
  17. Punisher454

    ideas for mods

    A groups has been working on an X-com:enemy unknown mod for HL1 for a very long time. IIRC its called "X-com: Last Hope" They have a PHP forum, but there's not been much activity for quite a while.
  18. Punisher454


    You can use some current techniques to make somewhat lofelike hair (nothing like pixar, but it will move) By attaching ALOT of bones to the head and having some hair textures attached to the bones. with currently available games you still have to animate the "Hair Bones". With HL2's ragdoll...
  19. Punisher454

    EVIL goes off to build dah BIG HL² FAQ, please gimme questions to put in the FAQ

    Ya, I get it that the lod switching will adjusted by the engine to maintain a decent FPS. I understand that. But My question is about the models themselvs. To have a model with multiple LOD's theres basicly 2 ways to do it. 1. The model maker will build multiple versions of the same model...
  20. Punisher454

    EVIL goes off to build dah BIG HL² FAQ, please gimme questions to put in the FAQ

    First, about shooting down a wooden house. I think youre probably going to build it one board at a time and stack them on top of each other. Sort of like building a house out of domino's. Otherwise I believe a welded section will probably stay together except where broken by bullets. I highly...