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  1. Punisher454

    Engine details

    I'm not so sure I 'd believe that claim of 70fps at max detail(I interpet that to mean also at high res). BUT, Do remember that HL2 will be using an LOD system (according to Gabe and some evidence in some screenshots) and that might make fps predictions based on comaprisons to previous FPS...
  2. Punisher454

    Over The Top

    Nice models! I like the Luger very much, as well as the detail on the iron sites on all of them. Very good models, and a wise decision to get away from Ut2k3.
  3. Punisher454

    Corporate Anarchy website up

    You might consider something like updating all NPC's positions every minute or so only of those NPC's havent had any critical interactions. When a player causes an NPC to do something that would be changing its position from the others players copies of the same NPc it sends an update for that...
  4. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    Oh dont worry, when Co-Op capability has been developed For HL2 I'll re-release a Co-Op version. Just what I was trying to say was that the initial release will be SP. I dont think there would be any point in delaying an SP release to wait for Co-Op. And My version of a Co-Op game will be...
  5. Punisher454

    Graphic Cards

    I just hope I can use My 3D glasses! DX9 yes, Nvidia yes, ATI maybe?!
  6. Punisher454

    Graphic Cards

    Look at the bigger picture of the trends in G-cards over the last several years, and not so much on whats hot this season. No matter what you buy between now and christmas, it aint gonna be nuthin compared to what' going to be hot the following year. and so on... What I'm hoping DONT happen...
  7. Punisher454

    Futuristic Warfare Resources

    You can also do som esearching for "Land Warrior" and "Objective Force Warrior". OFW is suposed to start hitting the field in about 5 years. Land warrior is sort of a bastard system, but Objective Force Warrior is basicly Sci-Fi technology for the infantryman.
  8. Punisher454

    The Punisher teaser trailer...

    RIGHT ON!! In case oyu havent figured it out by now I'm a bit of a punisher fan :cheese: . I hadnt seen the trailer yet, but you'll notice whatI've been using for My avatar lately. Cant Wait!!!
  9. Punisher454

    Lunar Personell Carrier W.I.P.

    Whoa there, lets hold our horses. I WANT to do Co-Op, but Single player will come first. What I'm hoping for is that while I'm working on this in SP somebody will be developing Co-Op play. Then right after the SP public release, I can start adding in Co-Op and hopefully in a short time release a...
  10. Punisher454

    Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

    You could have had LOTR made into 6 movies at 3 hours each and still not have gotten it all in. BUT I am very pleased overall with the choices they made. As far as the ending goes, the scouring of the shire was sort of like an epilogue anyhow. Didnt the animated version end before the...
  11. Punisher454

    Trivia question.

    I dont think I'm a facsist, more like a conservative-libertarian-nationalist hybrid. But its a helluv alot of fun to play games as an evil dictator! :devil: And youre right on about the benefits of a good spanking. it seems alot of people cant diferentiate between a spanking and a...
  12. Punisher454

    10 reasons mapping for HL2 will be easier than HL1

    Damn I didnt even notice that the first time :laugh: I dont know about you, but if I see any 'ass tools advance' towards me I'll start swingin! :sniper:
  13. Punisher454

    Best game ever (other than HL)

    X-com: Enemy unknown
  14. Punisher454

    Trivia question.

    This looks like fun. I just founded "The Armed Republic of Wo-Jo". I think I should have gone with a more radical government, maybe next time.
  15. Punisher454

    Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

    I'm with you on that one, I thought T3 would get alot higher vote count. Maybe its an age thing, I remember watching the the first Terminator movie at the theater and I guess it made a huge impression on a young impressionable mind.
  16. Punisher454

    Which trilogy movie are you most anticipating?

    How about the Forbidden Boarders trilogy by W. Michael Gear. Anybody read it? THAT would be a badass Sci-Fi story to put on film!
  17. Punisher454

    Postal 2 patch finnaly out!

    Even if you dont think the game was very good, you just gotta give it to RWS for having the balls to make it! I say lets have Postal3 using HL2's source engine!!!
  18. Punisher454

    Read this

    Do they get SNL in germany?
  19. Punisher454

    splintering wood

    I did My basic training at Ft. Dix back in 89. Whats heppening there now? I heard it was being closed years ago. Curious.
  20. Punisher454

    10 reasons mapping for HL2 will be easier than HL1

    Specificly about mapping, oops. Overall I think The mapping will be a wash. The tools will be better, but there will be a bit more to do. But doing those things should be less work. I read "mapping" and got sidetracked with overall modding, sorry. My vote still would be the same, easier.