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  1. Creme Egg

    Mobile phone!

    Dunno why people would choose nokia over samsung, nokia look really taccy
  2. Creme Egg

    Rate the last food you eated

    Sounds good Shamrock, how do you make cocoa homemade?
  3. Creme Egg

    Well shit, I found out I have asthma...

    Wow that sucks but dont let it get you down :bounce:
  4. Creme Egg

    Mobile phone!

    Is it from that ad where the guy drums to his mum to find out if he can work late?
  5. Creme Egg

    Favourite Chocolate

    fair enough, they are both lucious
  6. Creme Egg

    Favourite Chocolate

    actually, you are right, but the mint is better than the plain
  7. Creme Egg

    Highest postcount member?

    How do you find out who has the highest and where you come? I know im nowhere near the top, but im curious
  8. Creme Egg

    some tosser broke into my house

    Great idea, wow these guys really do have brilliant minds, if only i could channel that into my own plan for world domination....
  9. Creme Egg

    Favourite Chocolate

    How comes, dairy milk is brilliant chocolate
  10. Creme Egg

    your favourite sport(s)

    I agree, the technology isnt as amazing, but tis still fun and exciting to watch
  11. Creme Egg

    Mobile phone!

    Very advanced Koola, i can see them being the new phone of the future
  12. Creme Egg

    Rate the last food you eated

    A chinese takeaway A bit too cold, but asted good 7/10
  13. Creme Egg

    Favourite Chocolate

    Twix is ok, but i think it can be a bit dry the way it is so buiscuity
  14. Creme Egg

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Yeah, but thats about it
  15. Creme Egg

    i like your avatar

    i like your avatar
  16. Creme Egg

    CNN "duped" into airing fake atrocity video

    The israelis are so dumb, they say palastine was promised to them in the bible, but they wrote the f*ckin thing
  17. Creme Egg

    Coke or Pepsi?

    I know what you mean, its either cola or lemonade mostly
  18. Creme Egg

    some tosser broke into my house

    good,there you go, problem solved
  19. Creme Egg

    Most Hated Veg

    What is the usual temp there?
  20. Creme Egg

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Thats wierd, it is sooo good!