its a multi purpose hazerdous envorment suit!!! he will not get cold in it. he wont need a jacket. but maybee a helmet because the cold would give him frostburns on his face
i just checked a page fom wikipedia saying that you see chell in the boreallis... but shes is crazy, you find her cutting up a car battery and her heel springs broken. She broke her heel springs from gaining too much momentum and accidentely snaped her springs, and she became crazy because...
Hey guys! I just wanted to talk about some stuff that will happen in half life 2 episode 3!:E
Lets start this off by voting on my poll about one of the things that will happen in hl2 ep3. and that is the borealis so just vote in this poll about what will be in the boreallis. because in hl2 ep 3...
valve is still thinking if she will die or not. but there is supposed 2 be a screwed up twist were u meet chell and she is gonna teporally replace alyx vance because she is all sad about her dad so she dosent go. ne way you find chell cutting away at a battery because glados has driven her mad...