I am probably going to get banned for this,but it's worth a shot. I have an idea and would like to see if it will work out. To Moderators: Lock the thread if you do not agree with it, but just give me a reason for the lock. Ty in advance.
Ok,so my idea is to open a thread about steam card...
it has left beta 1 hour ago, but the launch is a bit complicated...
Anyone who had the game prior to the launch will be able to log in and play anytime. Others not so much...
Ok,so either noone cares for the guild,or its members don't play dota at all.
Who can invite?
Type their steam ids so I can pm them for an invite,since noone seems to bother to read the chat channel.
Still waiting for that abbadon :D
I have been playing a lot of dazzle lately,and the hero is a great support,but i feel there are better supports for the job than him.
Still the hero is great, and that grave of his has pissed a lot of people off :D
Someone posted on steam that someone created a valvetime guld.
If so,invite me too,because the channel in dota ValveTime,was created by me mere minutes ago because it didn't exist beforehand.
Someone from the guild go there and give us an invite.
P.S. i am angry to whoever created the guild...
Dude,noone downloaded any game files,and noone revealed anything mind-bogging.
Plus,Valve themselves are guilty of making a mistake again after 2003 to not have greater control of internal documents (mailing lists and such).
But again,not immoral,noone stole anything,we don't have the actual...