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  1. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    Presumably on theories that have already been discussed to death. I was hoping mine was original. If you can point me to a thread on the board that deals with the idea I posted, I'll happily delete the post. I've already searched and read most of the G-Man theory threads and haven't found one...
  2. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    :laugh: Okay. That's not exactly reasoning, but you have a strong opinion. That's fine. And I agree to an extent, I would like to see how he fits in all of this too. But it's my opinion that essentially quantifying the G-Man would ruin the signature mysteriousness of the games. Too much...
  3. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    @ SGRaaize I agree that GearBox games shouldn't be considered cannon, hence why I'm vexed. But according to a mod, both this board and the overwiki consider them to be (unless directly contradicted by VALVe). See the quote from the post at the very top of this page. You seem to agree with...
  4. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    Eh, Gonomes are sorta okay, I guess.
  5. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    Oh. I wasn't aware Gearbox games were considered canon. My bad, although that was really only a minor point in my post. I'm a little vexed. That means race X is canon, and G-Man has Shephard in cold-sorage somewhere. I can't say I'm keen on those ideas.
  6. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    Oh dear Lord. @Kyzr Umm sorry, I don't mean to be rude - but no, that isn't what I meant at all. You clearly haven't understood what I've said. I DON'T think the G-Man is imaginary, I think he's an allegory. If you don't know, that means he is symbolic of a theme or represents something...
  7. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    @ C.AdrianShephard - Opposing Force was a Gearbox game not VALVe, in general I don’t think its events are considered canon. @ Darkside55 - I find these tastebuds in your mind fascinating, but will try and keep discussion centred on the relevant topic. I understand from your post that you...
  8. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    you can do it champ Was that your punchline? If you post in a thread with the sole intention to insult at least make it creative. Or you know... insulting. Have a long hard think and give it another crack. I'm sure you'll do better.
  9. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    regarding the above Regarding the above... I personally believe The G-Man is a symbol of the player themselves. Or a symbol of the players control – manifesting as a presence in the game. Consider the following... - He frequently breaks the laws of physics within the game and his...
  10. 84DaysWithout

    Theories on who employs the G-Man

    Excuse the necro. From what I’ve read nobody has expressed this idea yet. I’ve split this into 2 posts. The 1st: my pretentious ramble explaining the rationale behind my theory. The 2nd: a simple statement of the theory and a list of supporting evidence. I interpret the G-Man to be a...