I definitely agree with this as well, I am just not getting my hopes up too much until some gameplay videos are released. I love the series so much, I just don't want to see it driven into the ground by the cash cow. I wish Kojima would give MGS a well needed rest and work on some other...
Kojima is finally showing off a creation that will use the Fox Engine. Of course it is another Metal Gear Solid game, I personally wanted him to show Zone of the Enders 3 before another MGS. From the looks of the picture it is going to have Big Boss and it will possibly explore more of the...
I agree with your statement on a certain number of things such as music, movies, and culture, but I truly think that the gaming community will never see such a level of bursting creativity in the rpg genre in any other time period besides that decade.
I have been a fan of JRPGs since I was a very young gamer and as of late, I am sort of having a resurgence of my love for them. Currently I am playing through Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii and Xenogears for the PSX, both of which I find very refreshing after years of abandoning the genre. I...
I totally agree with your whole post, the multiplayer is completely sublime at certain moments. I met up with one person and we went through the journey. The music was about as heavenly as a soundtrack can get.
Yojimbo- 9/10
Watched it in my film class at school. Very influential movie that basically created the "Man with no name" spaghetti westerns with Clint Eastwood. Acting and photography was wonderful. Toshiro Mifune and Akira Kurosawa have never had a slump in my book.
Never played any Rayman games before but I thought this game had some pretty awesome animation. I was tempted several times to get it when it was cheap on amazon.
Sort of lost interest in the franchise after how much of 5 was a basic action shooter. There was hardly any tension or atmosphere compared to RE 4, which I consider one of my all time favorite games. From the looks of this footage, it looks like it is still going in the direction of RE 5, but I...
I agree 100% with all of these points. I am 35 hours in and really enjoying the hell out of it. The Zelda series is a very consistent franchise in terms of quality. But yeah, the characters are like Miyazaki creations and the music in the game is phenomenal.
What I hope this game achieves is the level of character normalcy that the uncharted series achieved greatly. Normal humans getting caught up in extraordinary events, with genuine human reactions. I hope the narrative is as focused and concentrated on the characters as Uncharted was. I love the...
Agree 100%, Uncharted is linear, but Naughty Dog just knows how to develop a story and flesh out the characters to the point where you can care for the characters. Something that gaming is in desperate need of right now, due to the generic bad-assess that we have been playing for the past...
There has been a lot of talk about this game since they released the viral video for it. It now has a teaser trailer and some art. I really hope this doesn't turn out to be an attempt to do some I am Legend game or another cash in zombie virus game. But from rumors going around, the disease in...