Search results

  1. ship

    Task Manager doesn't display properly

    You haven't even renamed the tracks/album names from when you ripped/downloaded the music. And you're inconsistent with your listing, as you either have the artist name or the album name, but not both - and definitely not one specificaly and consistently. Drives me crazy! :O...
  2. ship

    Task Manager doesn't display properly

    Time to get a new taste in music. :| And for the love of God and my OCD, please!, organize your iTunes to a respectable state.
  3. ship

    Lets say you cant use a PC again in your life..

    I'd weight-train a lot more. I'd learn to play guitar or the drums. I'd actually do well in school (i.e.: study). Spend more time on photography. And I'd probably just get a Mac. :p
  4. ship

    Life is......

    Taken for granted.
  5. ship Caption Competition
  6. ship

    i seem to have a problem.

    And so the trend continues...
  7. ship

    Best E3 demo trailer

    See, that's the thing. I could never put Halo 2 on my list - even though the trailer was fantastic - because the final product was no where near like what they showed. Yes, VALVe showed some stuff that never made it into the final game, but at least the quality of the game was on par with the...
  8. ship Caption Competition

    "No, no. She's just here to sweep up the floors when we're finished."
  9. ship

    Hmmm Now where did i put that?

    Pfft. Loser. :p
  10. ship

    Xbox 360 images!

    Actually, I like the name. While it's nothing impressive, per say, it makes good sense. The XBOX 360 will work in 360 degrees for your life. Music, television, movies, entertainment, video games, etc. It will work all-encompassingly (360) in your life. :) Are you insane? Do you know how...
  11. ship

    Hmmm Now where did i put that?

    aaaahahahahaha!!!11oneone!111shitone!!11 :laugh:
  12. ship

    Next-gen Madden premiering Saturday

    Wow dude, you're way behind the times. EA bought/signed an exlusive licensing contract with the NFL and NFLPA, and then bought/signed the ESPN license. This means that no other game can use real NFL stadiums, team names, player names, etc. and Visual Concepts no longer can use the ESPN license...
  13. ship

    where is mah remote???

    Heh. I always do stupid little things like that, but no one's ever around to see/hear them. Sometimes I feel like the best comedian in the world who doesn't have an audience. :P
  14. ship

    What do you want in the near future?

    - An iMac - A PSP - A job - A girlfriend/best friend that's a girl - A friend at my new school (:() - Find a program at school that I like - To be happier than I am right now Patience, I guess... EDIT - How sad is that, that I listed the technology before the happiness. :laugh:
  15. ship

    Next-gen Madden premiering Saturday EDIT - Just watched it. Graphics are unbelievable. This is great news for XBOX 2. Unless they're being gay and showing us a render. Pros: I like how they tried something new with the interface and presentation... Cons: Madden...
  16. ship

    The Idea!

    "The clear layer is glycerin. You can mix glycerin back in when you make soap. Or you can skim the glycerin off. You can mix glycerin with nitric acid to make nitroglyerin. You can mix nitroglycerin with sodium nitrate and sawdust to make dynamite. You can blow up bridges. You can...
  17. ship

    Amazing impressions!

    Frank Caliendo's one of my favourites. :) Try and find his stand up acts off of Kazaa or something. Also, look for when he was on the Oppie and Anthony show. I have a bunch of clips of him, each better than the last. Heh.
  18. ship

    Haunted NES

    It looks like He_Who_Is_Steve! :eek:
  19. ship

    Different Fonts

    I'm pretty sure you can only use the actual font(s) that apply to CS:S. Not sure what they are, though.