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  1. cjohnson

    Image Dump III

  2. cjohnson

    G R R R R R R R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    not there :(
  3. cjohnson

    Best game cutscene

    All valve games are told w/out cutscenes. but of all the cutscene'd games you played, which has been the best one you have seen? mine's the one at the very end of ratchet and clank 2: "this could take WEEKS of research" "ummm...the battery's in backwards"
  4. cjohnson

    Aperture Science website details.

    You get pushed out
  5. cjohnson

    Most adorible non-human character...

    turret vorts companion cube
  6. cjohnson

    G R R R R R R R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    is it off steam, or separate?
  7. cjohnson

    n00b needs halp plz

    plz could someone tell me how to install FPtje's/falco's vmfs? I have inserted everything into the right folder yet the only thing that shows up is the 'organ player' weapon, yet no lazer, no piano, etc. any help would be appreciated, thanks
  8. cjohnson

    'Still Alive' Sung by Jonathan Coulton

    Hugh Thompson
  9. cjohnson

    G R R R R R R R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't know whether it's just me or isnt there a decent standalone model(mdl) veiwer around here? all the ones I have tried either: 1.Crash My computer 2.Tell me that it cant load the file 3.not even work anybody got one that works for them? any links would be apprecieated. oh and...
  10. cjohnson

    'Still Alive' Sung by Jonathan Coulton

    ^yeah, it isnt a cover
  11. cjohnson

    So where's the old crusher ceilings?

    yes i get it it's just the same model...although i am a retard
  12. cjohnson

    Jelly Fish

    ur welkom
  13. cjohnson

    what the hell?

    yea, what about the firs few piccys? whats up with your HUD?
  14. cjohnson

    So where's the old crusher ceilings?

    nope....get the grav gun using impulse 101 and then grab one compare it to the combine ones
  15. cjohnson

    Jelly Fish

    near the massive acid pool with where you have to shoot the portalk thru the fans
  16. cjohnson

    Jelly Fish

    Its in a windowless office room with lots if pcs where you dont need to go but you can if you want
  17. cjohnson

    Fave killing weapon?

    I upgraded mine to 20000, then impulse 101'd it :D
  18. cjohnson

    Was Portal a success?

    and if you say portal is a short game, what about HL2EP1?
  19. cjohnson

    Fave killing weapon?

    wgoops sorry