All valve games are told w/out cutscenes. but of all the cutscene'd games you played, which has been the best one you have seen?
mine's the one at the very end of ratchet and clank 2:
"this could take WEEKS of research"
"ummm...the battery's in backwards"
plz could someone tell me how to install FPtje's/falco's vmfs?
I have inserted everything into the right folder yet the only thing that shows up is the 'organ player' weapon, yet no lazer, no piano, etc.
any help would be appreciated,
I don't know whether it's just me or isnt there a decent standalone model(mdl) veiwer around here? all the ones I have tried either:
1.Crash My computer
2.Tell me that it cant load the file
3.not even work
anybody got one that works for them?
any links would be apprecieated.
oh and...