according to a website ( valve relaised a warez version of hl2 on bittoret to stop them form playing steam programs again;13907
ive read the 11 first pages - no spoilers so far...
how long is this? im only on part 3...
btw, may be a spoiler on page 12 (its a concept if a level, not ever gamespot is sure if its in the game , or just a "concept thrown around during the development process?")
Thanks alot everybody...very nice translation Ti133700N, even i can see that its good...
some things i dint understand tho:
un État critique
Son enterrement aura lieu aujourd’hui en Égypte
on rapporte que 600 Irakiens auraient perdus la vie.
any way to put them a bit easyer? It dont...
I've just written a french news, which im due to presentate tomorrow, the problem is that im sucky in french, anyone whats to see if i've used worng word ect...? thanks
Le nouvelle francais
Je suis presenter le deux nouvelle.
Hier soir, le president au Palestine...