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  1. S

    Any way to disable the "live" background?

    yeah, in play games browser halflife 2 properties > launch options > then add -console that works
  2. S

    Half Life 2 on Doom3 Engine !!

    interesting...........Looks like some random map, why is it hl2 again?
  3. S

    How the G-Man could be Gordon

    Why couldn't this have gone in one of the other million gman=gordon threads? This exact thing has been stated more times than you can imagine. Not as bad as steam forum though, there it is like every 10 minutes there is another gman=gordon thread(exagurating)
  4. S

    Why does steam have to keep validating hl2?

    I read defragging fixes it.
  5. S

    Post pictures of G-Man!

    i spawned mine
  6. S

    Great new cheat

    83 airboat?
  7. S

    Post pictures of G-Man! These show how much the combine hate the Gman.
  8. S

    The meaning of accountability and why Valve doesn't get it.

    Is this national cry like a spoiled brat week or something?
  9. S

    How do you spawn thread!

    Or you could just go here: The 'Search' Feature is your friend.
  10. S

    Half Life 2 Cheats

    ummm, spiffe you are wrong. with options>keyboard>advanced>Enable developers keyboard. you can use it at the menu. how else would someone do commands at the menu.
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    Check out this awsome pic i took of HL2! All the charecters! (Spoilers?)

    seeing a solid silver model is not that impressive for a picture(gordon's model)
  12. S

    Check out this awsome pic i took of HL2! All the charecters! (Spoilers?)

    npc_create npc_name for example npc_create npc_alyx (while pointing at the spot you want them) Get it right, it is spelt Lamarr
  13. S

    What is this "THING"

    This is what i get out of the combine thing. Maybe they are insects. All their vehicles are insect like. Would you consider a slug to be an insect?
  14. S

    What is this "THING"

    The thing in the moniter breen is talking to. Combine is my assumption, who else would he be talking to. What do you think it is?
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    Citidal help!

    It's 'Dog'
  16. S

    Wtf!? Looool!! :d

    The food is 'Electrifying'
  17. S

    7 Hours Game/Mod concept art?

  18. S

    How do you kill friendly npcs?

    npc_create npc_antlion while point at the ground. kleiner runs like a sissy. it is funny
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    Spawning npcs, require help

    sv_gravity # then reload level maybe?
  20. S

    Spawning npcs, require help

    here is a bink video i made that i think everyone will like. highway 17 level. if you havn't got there don't watch.: