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    Who's Upgrading?

    im gonna get a 9600xt and another 256mb of ram. maybe a new processor and mobo as well if hl2 isnt any good on my athlon 1700
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    Are you religous?

    im a christian
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    Should headcrabs be allowed to make threads?

    stupid idea saying you have to post 100 replys before you can post a topic, it will only increase spam
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    You'r Specs ?

    amd 1700 264mb ram (soon to be 512) radeon 7000 (soon to be 9600xt) 20gb hard drive jetway v266b mobo 15" flat screen
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    how to stop automatic driver install?

    basically when i restarted it would be in a low resolution, low colours running off the vga driver, then it would say driver install complete, restart your computer for it to take effect. anyway i think i found the setting under video properties says ask before applying new settings. cheers anwyway
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    how to stop automatic driver install?

    hi, im trying to install a different graphics driver on my computer, so i uninstall the old one and restart, but by the time windows has finished loading it says 'windows has finished installing a new driver' or something like that. It just keeps installing it automatically and doesnt give me...
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    Can VALVe Sue Microsoft?

    hahaha they wont sue microsoft, not a chance. gabe is good mates with them, as he used to work for them!
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    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    ill buy it, gives me something to do and should run on my computer
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    The thrill of the chase....

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    THE REAL DEAL with the HL2 source

    what im still wondering is where all the maps and moedels came from? i thought it was purely source code that was stolen?
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    I don't understand one little thing ...

    i also dont get one thing, i thought there were no maps or models stolen? and why are they only the E3 ones?
  12. O Interview Transcript

    i dont get this bit: is that all about cs-cz?
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    Not the nicest way to do it...

    that would exlplain why i cant find it!!
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    Novel of Alctraz Event

    back on the subject of the 9600xt, i was going to buy a 9600pro at about £130 (just over $200) just before/around the release of hl2, so i may as well just wait for the xt? or will the pro prices drop a lot when it gets release?
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    Funniest thing ever!

    it was less funny than me tapping on my desk
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    please tell me.. because.. im so stupid.. hehe

    when is thanksgiving?
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    Email From Doug L to me

    like everyone else im annoyed mainly because less than a month ago they said they were going to make the date. now its delayed presumably for a couple of months, you would of thought they would have known they wernt going to make it
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    Erikk's Gabe post is a fake...

    ok mr combine
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    Murdering your own team

    im sure ill kill dr kleiner, alex and barney at some point, maybe not the first time i play it though