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  1. 0zz0

    Hell guys, where you grew up? In Disneyland?

    does that mean im some stupid monkey in fooked up experiment?
  2. 0zz0

    Hell guys, where you grew up? In Disneyland?

    i clicked penis.
  3. 0zz0

    Hell guys, where you grew up? In Disneyland?

    I dont get it. I believe it is "where did you guys grow up, disney land."
  4. 0zz0

    Stop The Conspiracies

    OMG there were no conspiracy theories, we all know that that gabe and the entire VAVLVe crew was ubducted by aliens and the aliens were so impressed w/ the technollogy of the source engine(even thought the aliens could space travel) that they stole it and erased all of Valves memories and any...
  5. 0zz0


    i was jus thinking if your gun runs out of ammo can you toss it on the ground and then pick it up w/ the manipulator and shoot it at people as a weapon.(not talking about shooting bulklets out of the gun while ur manipulating it) Just a thought.
  6. 0zz0

    what game are you going to get now that hl2 is delayed

    Im not going to get any pc games. Im going to save up my money and wait for HL2 to be ported to my ATARI 3000. It will with out any dout be the greatest atari game ever made.
  7. 0zz0

    Update: Techdemo Easter Egg hunt.

    will it be released over steam??? lol j/k
  8. 0zz0

    George Freeman. The issue at hand.

    I almosy laughed at that.....ALMOST. Hell theres nothing else to talk about so good topic id say lol. Thx for the new info on y HL2 has been banned, see if you can get one of the news guys to post it on the front page.<----Sarcasm.
  9. 0zz0

    Half-Life 2 tips and tricks

    Miracle-Whip juicy-fruity-tootie hemeroide cream over dose?
  10. 0zz0

    No need to be connected to the net for LAN or single player

    yay good news for us 56k people or i guess just anyone.
  11. 0zz0

    Half-Life 2 tips and tricks

    Id say lack of breast millk as an infant, that is y like eminem erikk or whatever this guys name is feels the need to lash out at his mother.
  12. 0zz0

    Half-Life 2 tips and tricks

    if ur talking to me im not in denial i know its delayed big deal.
  13. 0zz0

    Whats with the "In Stores"

    I know i would mainly b/c im on 56k. GO me
  14. 0zz0

    Whats with the "In Stores"

    Well even if valve does hav the rights to steam im sure theres something somewhere in some contract that restricts vavle from releasing HL2 via steam b4 VU can put it on the shelves of stores. SO its not coming out on steam b4 the stores get it I know this b/c they said so.
  15. 0zz0

    Whats with the "In Stores"

    O well i mean ranting and raving istn going to change anything, Still sux non the less.
  16. 0zz0

    Half-Life 2 tips and tricks

    the date should be doubted b/c the game is delayed it only makes sense.
  17. 0zz0

    Half-Life 2 tips and tricks

    WTF is tha supose to be, a joke?
  18. 0zz0

    Half-Life 2 tips and tricks

    Whats the word im looking for.... O yea: JACKASS.
  19. 0zz0

    Clam down guys, there may be an upside to this delay

    yea i need the time but i also need lots-o-money
  20. 0zz0

    Radeon 9800XT pics...

    that is by far the best looking card ive ever seen i want one so bad omg.