So they're releasing the game for free now? That will sure as hell keep the fans happy! Hurray, that's great news. Valve is so dedicated that they don't care about money at all! :cheers:
You think Valve would turn down money to keep the fans happy?
Don't worry, when you grow out of diapers, you'll begin to learn how the world really works. :)
The best use for it seems to be when you pick up objects and use them as a shield. However, this is only practicle when enemies are firing from one direction (i.e. only one enemy).
I see what your saying, but that's not a very good position.
You must also believe HL2 is 15min long then, right? That's all you've seen. Sure, the developers say they'll add more stuff, but if you haven't seen it in the video, you're "not convinced" it's there.
Damn, I'd better cancel my...
Boogaleeboo, you're a moron. Never post here again.
"If I don't see it in the pre-alpha trailer, it's not there! Read articles detailing what's going to be in it? Nah, readers for suxxors!"
So you think HL2's going to be a pretty damn short game, eh? I don't whether to laugh or cry at...
Boogaleeboo, what the hell are you talking about? Call you when it has "a game"? What does that mean? Right now HL2 is not "a game", thus we should stop all discussion, and "call me when it's fun".
Scripted it not necessarily a bad thing, and hopefully the tactical A.I. will be great (which all indications point to). I was just pointing out to someone else that yes, it would be scripted, and scripted heavily.
Scripting allows them to determine and create many "holy shit.... that was...
I'm not quite sure what you mean here, but it will be heavily scripted. Notice the 'Docks' video. Gordon could have stood there without picking the crowbar up forever, and neither zombie would have attacked him because it's "A.I." said to. Same with the striders, they're not going to bust out...
Do you not shoot in first person (hence technically an FPS) view? calling it an "RPG" does not describe it very well at all, either, IMO.
Anyway, a minor difference, and one of opinion (incidentally, ign calls it an "FPS", gamespot a "Action" game, and gamespy a "Action/Adventure Shoot 'em...
I thought Max Payne, no multiplayer though.
If you're looking for good FPS' coming out within a year, stick with the Grand Triumvirate: S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Half- Life 2, Doom 3.
I hope they limit the weapons, somewhat at least. Say 1 Heavy (grenade launch, rocket launch, various other means of causing explosive death), 2 mediums (shotgun, machine gun, etc.), 3 small weapons (pistols, basically). Oh, and the crowbar all the time. Dig the crowbar.