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  1. C

    Do you consider the G-Man to be a smart character

    would you label him as an "intelligent" man
  2. C

    So where is Portal and Portal 2 in the timeline

    its no secret that Portal is in the same universe as Half-Life..... so i was wondering, where does Portal and Portal 2 take place in the timeline, before HL 1, After HL2, between them, etc.?? does anyone know
  3. C

    Combine-Xen connection

    did i miss anything, has valve ever elaborated on the relationship between the Combine and the Xen... - Did the Combine and Xen know of each other before the events of Half Life 1/the resonance cascade/ black mesa incient - Was the Combine in control of the Xen during the black mesa...
  4. C

    Who is a more intelligent/ renowned scientist

    judging from the games, who do you think is more intelligent
  5. C

    Who is a more intelligent/ renowned scientist

    Isaac or Eli?