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  1. Moto

    Post a screenshot!

    Tourist Trophy
  2. Moto

    Post a screenshot!

    Some GT5 shots.
  3. Moto Skin Texture

    I had moderate acne as a teenager. Everything I tried just made it worse, so I gave up and left it alone. That seemed to do the trick. I just use mild soap in the shower.
  4. Moto

    Battlefield 3

    The days when games like this were developed solely for the PC are long gone and it makes me really sad.
  5. Moto

    Cycles of periodic highs and lows of intelligence

    I'm sort of the same way. I took a film class a few years ago since it satisfied a general requirement. We watched a few artsy films and I couldn't follow them at all. Also, I often have trouble keeping track of character's names, although this is sometimes the movie's fault. What you said about...
  6. Moto

    Major Dick Winters passed away last week

    I just thought about him the other day. Rest in peace, Dick.
  7. Moto

    Should I venture into the Playstation realm?

    I got a PS3 last month. I think it was worth it. Just finished Uncharted 2 the other day. Great game.
  8. Moto

    Your recent gaming purchases

    Got a sealed copy of Gran Turismo for PS1 for $3.33.
  9. Moto

    Your recent gaming purchases

    Got sealed copies of THPS and THPS2 for Playstation for $9.
  10. Moto

    Your recent gaming purchases

    Wanted to play this game when it was new, but never got around to it. Found a sealed copy for $7.
  11. Moto

    Your recent gaming purchases

    Tourist Trophy Gran Turismo 5
  12. Moto

    GT5 thread of dualshock 2 sucks for steering

    I don't understand all the fuss about the menu and load times. It seems to load relatively quickly for me and I've had no problems navigating the menu screens. It takes a little more time than it should for the previews of the cars to load, but that's about it. The shadows are pretty aliased...
  13. Moto

    You'll never use Snuggle again after this.

    Snuggle commercials always terrified me as a kid. I'll never use it.
  14. Moto

    Republican and Enviroment Committee candidate: God will save us from Climate Change

    I loved that last part. Whatever begins to exist has to have a cause, but of course god has conveniently always existed and therefore needs no cause. "Atheists should have no problem with god being eternal because for centuries, they believed the universe to be eternal. They didn't have a...
  15. Moto

    The man who writes your papers

    Interesting read. There's no amount of money that could get me to do his job.
  16. Moto

    Your favorite WWII shooter?

    Medal of Honor Allied Assault and the Spearhead expansion. I still play it.
  17. Moto

    This guy is ****ing nuts

    This guy is obviously gay.
  18. Moto

    Old technology you've grown fond of

    Still have my gaming rig that was awesome in 2004, but is now probably less powerful than most midrange laptops. It's just sitting in my closet. I can't throw it away.
  19. Moto

    7 Mother-Fing Years

    Was 14 when I joined. I am now 21. I love you,
  20. Moto

    What do you do for a living?

    Gnarly multiquote craziness in that last page.