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  1. S

    Sven Co-op Stand Alone Announced

    Ríomhaire is correct. Also note that the HL1 co-op campaign will require 2+ players in Sven Co-op.
  2. S

    "They Hunger" Co-op To Be Included With Sven Co-op 4.0

    (Update: Valve's HL1 promotion is over now, but we still have a few copies left to give away).
  3. S

    "They Hunger" Co-op To Be Included With Sven Co-op 4.0

    There's actually a pretty definite hint to that in the news post :).
  4. S

    "They Hunger" Co-op To Be Included With Sven Co-op 4.0

    Just dropping in to mention that we're also giving away quite a few copies of Half-Life to those who, for whatever reason, are unable to take advantage of Valve's 98 cent birthday special (if you can, head over there fast, because it's theoretically supposed to have ended already). Details on...