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  1. samtape

    hl2 christmaas flash 2004 !

    Merry Christmas! Watch this movie! Merry Christmas! Thanks! Your site is fun! It was useful!
  2. samtape

    so uh, i have this new hl editing site...

    they're cute huh!! you can adopt one for your web page if you like.
  3. samtape

    so uh, i have this new hl editing site...

    Yep that was something I missed. It only looked like that on IE6. Thanks andymack.
  4. samtape

    so uh, i have this new hl editing site...

    Being how I get too excited about designing things, I almost posted this in Art and Design, but that would be getting off-topic. Over the last few months between college and stuff I put together this site here: Weird huh! What is it? Is it the website with the shortest domain...