No no, I'm mad because the choices don't really matter in the slightest, because it's an MMO, and for the MMO style to work you can't really cause huge differences in the environment. I mean, even WoW managed to make that work with that new tech they brought in for WotLK, the layered areas...
They've been ignoring the series that got them on the map for years now.. it's getting a little old. The excitement stopped building after 2009, and now I'm just bored.
I didn't I played in beta quite a bit. I decided to wait till I got to play in beta to decide, and it turned me off heavily.
It still uses the casualized Mass Effect wheel system, aka good options are always at the top and bad options are at the bottom. Whatever happened to lists of responses...
I'm sorry, it's just, the most ridiculous thing I've ever read, a light-sided sith. I mean, why do they give you choice when it doesn't really matter? If you go lightsided sith warrior, can you somehow NOT become the Emperor and turn Jedi? WHY IS THERE ALIGNMENT IF YOU CAN'T CHANGE SIDES?
I'm going to buy me a new PC once I get settled in in the Air Force, so I'll play with you guys. Arma was fun for what we did play.. very little. And my PC as-is is getting a little outdated.
Too bad the gameplay is garbage. Absolutely no advancement there, which is what the MMO genre REALLY needs, not voice acting.
They can put as much pretty voice acting as they want, but a fetch quest is a fetch quest in the end.
If the only thing you can argue is 'oh well there are mixed...