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  1. Krynn72

    What is your speed?

    How do you even play ARMA? Jesus.
  2. Krynn72

    Watch me film a movie about me finding adware programmers and slowly peeling back their eyelids and

    I was very sad when this turned out to not actually be a hyperlink.
  3. Krynn72

    I want to play a game...

    Olivia is a digital mode in HAM radio, but I have no means to decode what you made with it. Also I wouldn't know how, because all I did to learn this much is google "HAM radio olivia" and got this youtube link
  4. Krynn72

    The Art of Warefare is recruiting!!

    Jesus, this is one long lasting clan. I probably played against some members, and it would have been before I even knew that clans were a "thing" in games.
  5. Krynn72

    Bought 2nd HDD - which drive should I put my system on?

    When you go to install windows, it pretty obviously distinguishes between drives. You need to manually select which one to remove the partition(s) from and reformat, so as long as you're paying attention its hard to mess it up. That said, if I'm working on someone's business computer which...
  6. Krynn72

    Retiring NSA chief doesn't understand why people hate the NSA

    So what? Isn't this his normal hiatus period?
  7. Krynn72

    Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

    If it does overtake it, I'll happily watch the show before the books. It'll be nice to watch the show without already knowing whats going to happen. Reading the books afterwards will be fine because there's always so much new, televised stuff.
  8. Krynn72

    Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

    Not really, he's averaging 5 years per book, with at least two more planned (and remember, Dance and Feast were supposed to be one book). I'd say 10-15 years is pushing it.
  9. Krynn72

    Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

    Good, at least we'll pretty much be guaranteed an ending, I have no faith in GRRM finishing the series before he dies.
  10. Krynn72

    Possibly new Deus Ex game?

    I loved Invisible War, but I assume the comparison is in regards to the gameplay, which, yeah, was pretty bad.
  11. Krynn72

    So Facebook bought OculusVR.

    Clan Wolf, I'm honestly curious what you think is going to happen to the Oculus Rift now that facebook owns it. Do you think that Oculus is lying about them still having full control over the Rift? Working under the assumption that they are, what direction do you think Facebook is going to take...
  12. Krynn72

    Possibly new Deus Ex game?

    Whats up with The Fall? Haven't been keeping up with the vidja gossip lately. It was another DLC type repackaging wasn't it? Did it suck or something? Also, even if it sucked, I'd still watch a Deus Ex movie and like it.
  13. Krynn72

    True Detective

    I agreed with this post, because more info would be cool. What am I, a person who googles stuff?
  14. Krynn72

    Michael Abrash Leaves Valve to Join Oculus as Chief Scientist

    I'm waiting for Vegeta to come in and say "I told you so" in regards to Facebook buying Oculus being a good thing.
  15. Krynn72

    So Facebook bought OculusVR.

    I'd bet that its not nearly as bad as you think. If either one of us wasn't too lazy to look for actual data, I bet we'd find that most companies turn out just fine. For anecdotal evidence, the company I work for was bought by a bigger company, and its significantly better now for both us and...
  16. Krynn72

    So Facebook bought OculusVR.

    While we're on it, what the **** is Instagram anyways? As far as I can tell from cursory glances, its an app the lets you send poorly edited photos to people. Can't people's smartphones do that out of the box?
  17. Krynn72

    So Facebook bought OculusVR.

    This is all that Kickstarter has ever been for, and anything that happens with the company/product after its been brought into existence is up to the company's owner(s). To have ever thought anything else of Kickstarter exposes a serious misunderstanding of the entire idea. This part of that...
  18. Krynn72

    So Facebook bought OculusVR.

    Didn't Pi Mu Rho buy a dev kit for it? Probably the only reason he hasn't posted here yet is because he's looking at virtual titties in his Oculus, and Facebook hasn't integrated the nipple covering advertisements yet.
  19. Krynn72

    So Facebook bought OculusVR.

    How about a link to an article for this? $2 billion . Not bad for for something that still hasn't seen a even seen a ****ing commercial release yet.