Unless you're deaf, dumb and/or blind, you will notice that most people have Steam Profile badges next to each post.
These are created when you fill in the relevant profile field with the last portion of your Steam Community URL.
We plan to keep the Steam Profile badges, but it is long overdue...
Ok, this is the difference...
None checked... forces basic editor only. You cannot switch to the rich text editor.
Top one checked... forces rich text editor. You can switch to the basic editor.
Both checked... forces basic editor. You can switch to the rich text editor.
Ok nice find. I am also testing a little. Willie may have confirmed your hypothesis. But can you really trust a guy that farts into condoms? EDIT: On this occasion, yes. Yes you can.
EDIT: Works for me dude.
It has been recently updated. I strongly recommend clearing your browser cache first.
Though, a few Ctrl + F5 refreshes should do the trick.