Who says black shoes can't go with brown pants?
I ****ing think brown and black are great colors together.
Why is the fashion world so stupid? Why does everybody obsess over the fashion faux pas that always have a tendency to change with whatever ****ing month it is?
And why do I listen to...
Maybe stop having greasy hotdog fingers. My phone isn't slippery in the least, but I still drop it, usually in the clumsy way i pull it from my left pocket.
I have an LG Optimus Elite.
I don't know how most smart phones are, but I've dropped this thing a bunch of times on hard floors and it's still going strong.
I don't even have a protective case for it... since there weren't any available at the time of my purchase.
I'm sure glad it failed... if just for the simple fact that the video wouldn't be the most watched assassination footage worldwide... just another death video circulated around the internet to give the junkies another fix.
Shut up with your ValveTime.net
I don't crush your ****ing dreams.
You're never going to change the vernacular. You're never going to stop us from knowing where we came from, what we still are.
I noticed the other day watching Breaking Bad with my dad, that Jesse is playing Sonic '06. I guess I noticed it the first time, but I didn't realize at the time how awful the game actually was.
I just implemented encryption for my file transfers in my chat/file transfer program. I'm happy about that.
I'm using RSA(asymmetric encryption) to establish a secure link between the two users and passing the AES(symmetric encryption) private key via that... and handling all subsequent...
Wouldn't be that big of a deal if it weren't for the anti-fun brigade.
Part of the reason there's so little activity on HL2.net is because so much of the activity that we try to engage in... such as keeping each other up to date on the crazy things going on in our lives, is squashed and deemed...
Lots of people liked the Tan-Theme. We've all grown fond of the various color schemes that were in effect on this site.
OR DID YOU FORGET THAT!? Actually... you probably never even knew that.
If you don't have a certain nostalgic appreciation(even if you hated it... especially if you hated it) for the various themes we've had over the past near decade, then you aren't a true hl2.netter. You're just some valvetime.net staffer!