Don't care what anyone here says but this future stuff is going to be amazing.
Last night's ep was fantastic, they've clearly given up on wanting new viewers for sure.
This entire season will be set in the future so if you didn't like the future ep, might as well wait to watch the final season...
I'm just hoping that they don't **** it up this time.
Though, with the completely retarded and unwarranted Deb incest storyline they introduced last season... my hopes are very low.
The show has never been terribly original but I always felt it was immensely entertaining and had a strong cast.
But, I can't say that I agree with anything you've said at all.
So, I was rewatching Season 2 and holy shit, the Observer takeover was pretty much planned from the beginning.
This is actually pretty reassuring for me personally as I always kind of felt that this whole thing came out of no where but it's probably been the writer's end game ever since S2 and...
Definitely my favorite comedy show of all time.
I have faith in Season 4 not sucking mostly just because of the actors themselves and I believe that most of the original writers are still on board.
No, the characters are all wrong and retarded and the way events are going is all wrong.
The exclusion of Tyrese is a massive blow to the series in my book(though, it seems that they've replaced him with ****ing T-Dogg who is just so incredibly two dimensional), the way they're bringing in...
Just finished reading the first Walking Dead compendium since I never got too far in the comics.
This show officially sucks so much god damned ass, quite possibly the worst executed adaptation ever.
That is all.