Lifestealer's change isn't going to make him a better jungler, you'll farm faster ulting a creep and immediately popping back out of it than controlling one to jungle in.
Warcraft 2, X-Com, Civilization 2, Baldur's Gate, Command & Conquer plus Red Alert.
Prior to that there was the Commander Keen series and other random Apogee and DOS games.
It's definitely possible.
To play devil's advocate if the team has over-promised, over-estimated their own capabilities then they may well "cut and run" with the pile of dough they've made from their sales so far - I heard in the region of 2m units?
Well that Dean dude had made posts explaining why they want to price it at $15 USD. After this price hike and people calling him on that he deleted the reddit account he used when talking about that.
Staying classy.