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  1. Sulkdodds

    US passes bill that allows Military to detain americans without a trial indefinately

    Because you deliberately set them up so they were structurally incapable of going against you. :p But it's true that the USA has enjoyed a position of hegemony for much of the 20th century and beyond. While some would argue it is now declining, its culture and economy will surely continue to...
  2. Sulkdodds

    Kim Jong Il Dead at 70

    Picture of Kim Jong-il staring into the void that awaits him notably absent from
  3. Sulkdodds

    Busted: BitTorrent Pirates at Sony, Universal and Fox

    No, Kadayi, but if you go out and murder a bunch of people on company time, and your director has been lobbying for a law that would allow police to evict the families and businesses of murderers from their premises as punishment, then it does undermine his moral case for the law, because it's...
  4. Sulkdodds

    Busted: BitTorrent Pirates at Sony, Universal and Fox

    Yes...which is, on a larger scale, what those companies' boards and leaders are pushing for in legislature.
  5. Sulkdodds

    Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62

    Awww man. I would have liked to talk to him some time. I missed my chances! Shame there's no afterlife - he could be entertainingly pissing off everyone in it for all eternity. RIP.
  6. Sulkdodds

    US passes bill that allows Military to detain americans without a trial indefinately

    WOW I mean, the thing is, what all of these supporters manage to ignore is that "this guy supports Al Quaeda" is, as an attempted statement of fact, completely meaningless and unproven without a trial. Just because a government says it it doesn't make it true. That only occurs when it has been...
  7. Sulkdodds First Kiss

    She's an alien and has genuinely no idea what just happened but she wants to grind your bones in her posterior teeth RUN WHILE YOU CAN RUN WHILE YOU CAN
  8. Sulkdodds

    Busted: BitTorrent Pirates at Sony, Universal and Fox

    In the UK, such companies lobbied the last government to pass an act allowing the state to lean on ISPs to cut off internet to any IP address where just one person has downloaded something, potentially punishing families or businesses for the actions of one member. If these companies were...
  9. Sulkdodds First Kiss

    Do be a little cautious with dat tongue. I had a girl straight-up pull away from me because I used what I felt at the time to be the conventional amount of tongue*. The best advice I ever heard about this is, at an opportune moment during a lip-lock, to press your tongue gently against her lips...
  10. Sulkdodds

    Stop Complaining Americans!

    People across your country are having the shit unjustifiably beaten out of them for politically motivated campsites - for complaining, effectively - and you think there's nothing to complain about?
  11. Sulkdodds

    Brindle Blog Thread

    This week: Automatic Gardens, or an examination of the strange pointlessness and exploitative treadmill-like gameplay of Plants vs Zombies Zen Garden minigame. It also examines the dynamics of automation in the game and how PvZ players seek to reward themselves with not having to do anything.
  12. Sulkdodds

    Saudis fear therell be ‘no more virgins’ and people will turn gay if women drive

    Oh no! I'm being propositioned by a person who drives a car!
  13. Sulkdodds

    Saudis fear therell be ‘no more virgins’ and people will turn gay if women drive

    I personally have not yet had sex because I want to wait until I have a car.
  14. Sulkdodds

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    From the director of Children of Men!
  15. Sulkdodds

    Op-Ed: Android is pretty shit, needs huge improvements and continued support.

    Oh, I figured that was just a ruse to make me spend money on a bigger SD card.
  16. Sulkdodds

    Op-Ed: Android is pretty shit, needs huge improvements and continued support.

    I find Android for my HTC phone does the business very well. I've not experiened any issues and am not sure what issues I would experience if I did. But I have never really used a tablet!
  17. Sulkdodds

    Do you drive with a GPS?

    I don't drive, but I guess the equivalent would be using google maps on my phone to find my way around a city? I try not to do it too much because I feel that if I do I will not properly learn the streets. So I pull it out only when I'm either A) properly unsure where to go and have exhausted...
  18. Sulkdodds

    Rick Perry's embarrassing brain fart

    Ron Paul is such a helpful fellow.
  19. Sulkdodds

    Beef Salivary Glands, Lymph Nodes and Cheek Fat

    Love a good lymph node. You know eating salivary glands actually increases your capacity to salivate, right? These days I just need one look at a rasher of bacon and it's on with the waterworks. You're going to need a dinghy when I'm around, son.
  20. Sulkdodds

    Brindle Blog Thread

    Sure, loadsa people are reading! I got like 2,500 hits from the Sunday Papers the other week. And it's really only two paragraphs in the 'alternate universe', I just like to big it up with sci-fi trappings. But as far as I know the closest thing anyone's done to that generalship game is...