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  1. ShinRa

    How often do you check/are on

    This is an impossibility. I wasn't email/steam friends with anyone from here. I just think it's crazy that so many people who spent just stop coming around. I went through phases where I wasn't into gaming and I didn't check the forums often if at all, but I always...
  2. ShinRa

    Do graphics...actually...matter?

    Is it me, or are we reaching a point where graphical intergrity actually counts for something? I used to be one of those "GRAPIX DONT MEAN SHIT" kind of guys...but lately...I don't know. I recently downloaded some ROMS to relive some old gaming culture. Was playing some N64 and PS1...
  3. ShinRa

    How often do you check/are on

    What I'm upset about is the people who were around for YEARS. Like the past 6-9 years and just disappeared. This place has become a staple in my life. I've been coming here since 2003 when I was a sophmore in highschool. I'm 25, job, kids, the works. I would be devastated if anything happened to...
  4. ShinRa

    How often do you check/are on

    I used to check 10 times a day. As the forums have gotten progressively smaller I'm down to about once a day, as I can catch up with everything within 20-30 minutes.
  5. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    I bought my santee Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Minesweeper, and Solitare for windows. Tell me I'm not the best. EDIT- my bad, Solitare for Mac
  6. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    If my Santa is reading this, as long as you didn't get me half life 2, I'm happy
  7. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    I'm all done too. Hope my giftee is gonna like them. I MIGHT pick up one more gift if it goes on sale...haven't seen it hit yet though.
  8. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    Whattttt a twat.:bounce:
  9. ShinRa

    I hate how inactive these forums have become. Back then, you couldnt keep up with the threads.

    I hate how inactive these forums have become. Back then, you couldnt keep up with the threads.
  10. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    We call upon the mighty riomhaire.
  11. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    I was hoping not to sound like a twat. im happy with literally anything my santa gets me, but if I have the last day to pick up anything that's still at some discount as opposed to full price a day later, I think that's more than fair.
  12. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    Am I the only one who thinks the SS should end on the 4th? So if there is still something we want on the list that we didn't get we have a chance to pick it up ourselves?
  13. ShinRa

    Chris_D likes breaking the rules by talking about himself.

    Chris_D likes breaking the rules by talking about himself.
  14. ShinRa

    Stigmata likes The Matas

    Stigmata likes The Matas
  15. ShinRa

    Willie Tollbooth likes Tollboothes

    Willie Tollbooth likes Tollboothes
  16. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    So if I email all the codes to myself, I can send all the codes collectively to riomhaire at the end. Allowing me to make purchases as their discounts become available. That's good. That's most good.
  17. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    Im just stupid enough to not fully understand what you mean. So if its a daily deal or a flash sale, that's the lowest price it'll be. If it doesn't show up on the flash or daily deal, but is on sale now, I can wait til the end. Is this correct? And can something that's already discounted show...
  18. ShinRa

    Secret Santa Discussion 2012

    Question about this Steam sale schenanigans.... I heard I shouldn't buy anything til the last day of the sale...but the current deals say they're disappearing in X amount of time....if I see something today...I shouldnt buy it? Or should i? I'd prefer to buy everything at the end if that's...
  19. ShinRa

    Headphones Issue

    WHICH BRINGS ME TO ANOTHER QUESTION - All my speakers, even though it's considered surround sound, are in front of me. I don't have an actually surround sound set up. Do I still want a 5.1 system? Or should I just be with a 2.1 system?
  20. ShinRa

    iPhone gaming - I shall bathe in your hatred

    7 little words is addicting as hell. I bought all the packs. At .99 cents each how could you not? Until I realized I spent like $14 :eek: