The whole japan and the fat man launcher thing is really interesting and it really goes to show that Gamers prefer offensive visuals, language, ideas, and themes over being censored from that listed.
Gamers Don't Like Video Games Censored.
Its interesting to see so much censorship from all these other countries. I'm really not used to seeing video games being censored that often, But man it happens a lot. It almost seems hypocritical, you wouldn't censor a particular book because it was violent, sexual, drug related from your free...
(i could be completely wrong) But from what I heard the blood and gore censorship was actually pretty easy to get past. All people had to do was download a mod like that "extra blood and gore" mod.
Also Australia used to be a nice neighborhood lol
Thats cool that they have this much intelligence. I never noticed that. It almost seems like they put more intelligence in them they did with any of the animals in half life 2.
Or at the very least, more intelligence put into them relative to the year the game was made.
I....uhhhh........ That was a mistake..... My mind thought it out too fast for my fingers to type and went on to a new subject before i could finish......I meant to say average persons desktop While they have a bunch of rebels fighting against a bunch of combine (as in a big battle that takes up...
Very Interesting Vincent, So you're suggesting almost like "smart objects" and "smart textures" which know when things are happening to them. Do you think source 2 is able to create these kind of things....and do you thinking an average persons desktop combine (who we can hope have increased bot...
So I've been thinking about all the great and modern games that still run off the original source engine (albeit updated and patched) and I started thinking: "What will source 2 engine bring to the table?" Source 1 seems to be (for the most part) a jack of all trades. And the only reason I'm...
I think the fact that valve was rated higher than "your own company" is way more impressive than being rated higher than any of the other companies.
Any teasers for the new database?????? maybe a hint?
Why emails you ask? People just like you, who are gamers and don't have a facebook (and don't have a valvetime) to tell their friends about how excited they are, or to let others know. And I really don't think it will be that hard to get on, I mean msn normally has stuff on it like the 5 most...
If valve were to announce something really really big, You would find out way way before you ever clicked on your valvetime bookmark or typed in It would be all over the facebook's, news, emails, twitters, tumblrs, blogs ...unless valvetime is literally the first thing you type in...