If the Ivy Bridge stock HS is the same as Sandy Bridge (which I'm pretty sure it is) then yes you will need a new one. Cooler Master 212 heatsink is what you need. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131837 Best value you can put in your machine.
I haven't used this board...
What are your goals?
If you are just gaming then that system is all the right brands and components. It is just that you will be just as future-proofed with much cheaper hardware. The MB is way more than the average high end gamer would need. There are other nice ASUS boards with the same...
Heh I thought I would at least try to get you to turn your head to surround sound. I've started re-encoding my old jazz recordings into 5.1. The science behind it is really fascinating for me at least.
I have normally gone with AKG headphones for my recording setup but I've lately been turned...
Do you want to save money? Because this build is great, the only things you could do would be to get less expensive stuff.
There is one thing... Instead of getting a sound card. Which I am a bit of an audiophile too. You could hold off and get a Home theater in a box and hook it up through...
Every so often I will play a game that I was not really expecting much due to it's mainstream hype or typical sounding plot line, and end up being entirely blown away and sucked into at the same time. Assassin's Creed 2 was one of those games for me. I had played AC1 and was intrigued by it's...
Contest entry (sorry but double-post was necessary):
I would combine G-man with the hunter so that he could randomly pop out of no-where jumping and screaming:
(in the style of the hunter's pounce-scream, boldness implies screeching)
I've got an extra copy if anyone has anything worth trading over Steam. Message me if you are interested.
As far as my opinion of the game: It is so freaking complex that it takes only a couple minutes to realize who is going to win the round. Each team has different imbalances in different...
Agreed. I'm down continual character analysis and just guessing as if it were some daily soap opera. The overall plot is enough for it to be good though. I'm glad they aren't handling all of these things (Deb) in other ways.
Just got done playing a bit of the Far Cry 3 Minecraft map (http://far-cry.ubi.com/fc-portal/en-US/minecraft/index.aspx) And I'm happy about it's appearance... I just got burnt out of Minecraft after I had spent over 20 hours getting all diamond gear and then died and lost all of it... If any of...
I'm pretty sure he's actually gay... Although, I just assumed that all of you were gay...
But back to the topic: I hope you can punch sharks in the face. Stabbing sharks seems unethical.
Um... There had to be some suspense for you when you got the the helicopter crash. There is almost always something suspenseful in this comic... Keep reading, I didn't tell the whole Woodbury story...