I have 2 cats and they're ****ing awesome, they're probably the most affectionate creatures I've ever met. They even learned how to cover their own poop, and now at 13 weeks of age one of them has taught itself how to play fetch with me. Do any of you have even more than 1 dog? Do they act...
New HD screenshots from Killzone, Infamous, and Knack were released. The article I got them from describes Infamous as a launch title, which I'm pretty sure is wrong, but it looks good.
inFAMOUS: Second Son
Killzone: Shadow Fall
I found everything to be worse except for the engine and the polish of controls/interaction. The story, especially, is awfully disappointing compared to the pulpy supernatural fever-dream writing of the first two. I mean it's a decent game, but it doesn't feel like Max Payne at all - it feels...
Good picks. So far I've got Kinetic Void, Darksiders 1+2, Fuel, and Chivalry. On Thursday I didn't even think I'd end up buying anything during this sale.
"Temptation" is such an interesting word to use when describing homosexual thoughts. I hate My Little Pony, yet I'd never describe myself as having the "temptation" to watch the entire series in a marathon.
SSAO (Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion) is a method of simulating the shadows created when two objects are close to each other (the "ambient occlusion" part). It simulates the shadows you see in the corner of a room, for example. It's VERY computationally expensive, and the visual benefit isn't...