In fact, I love the updates, I think it's what makes Valve great! There are two types of Team Fortress players in the world, those who say they need more weapon updates, and those who say they unbalance the game.
Everyone wonders why there is so many hats... It's because they do nothing to the...
CS:Zero was really... Urgh
Portal 2 was much better than what F-stop could have been, although I wouldn't mind an F-stop now.
Australium! (Also they decreased the rareness of the Wrench)
Agreed... Hate to say it but agreed.
It will come out, but I do have a theory.
It could be a business tactic, not saying anything not only gives them more freedom, it makes more people want it.
The last time Valve talked about a game before releasing it they changed the whole thing before it even came out. Not talking about it gives them all the time they need. Remember Half-Life 2's Hydra? Me neither because they removed it.
You can't fault a company for delaying a game making it the most desired game since... Half-Life: Three? Gaben believes in Quality of Quantity. That is why they remain silent.