Really? Sometimes I'll stoop up my sentances too because my mind races through them and my mouth cant keep up... but I rarely ever get the giggles, but things that are funny, are FUNNY.
Hey it's better than saying "Sho .a dl..." *pass out* Ah yes, good ol' alcohol.
Well honestly im dreading it. In cs 1.5/1.6 I had a big problem with the ununiformness of the people. No one should be wearing a parka in the desert... so I would just skin them to be all sligghtly different but of the same force. Well now with the consistency problems that wont be an option if...
Sure they're is. Because, no matter what the stuff, usually you get to a certain point in your high, and start to come down a bit, so you may pack up another bowl to relift you to that previous part.
Look I think most of us can agree, as long as we don't operate heavy machinery or motor...
Funny, I liked that Page, very funny, haha sarcasm FTW!
And no I wasn't being sarcastic...
Regardless, on a side note, Marijuana alters your reacting time and perception by roughly 30% no matter how much you smoke (you can only get so high, believe it or not), too much alcohol makes you...
they claimed to be making a SAS model and showed a picture of it, along with saying that they would be working on other models afterwards.
That was months ago.
I drove through it because I live about an hour away from Toledo and wanted to go to the headshop 632 Main. I was suprised to see, downtown, they were burning bars and conveinence stores and whatnot, but they had no problem with me going to a headshop, go figure. Crazy gangbangers!
Funny, because for christmas I got two frames, a big one and a small one (with furry cow print on them for some... odd reason). My GIRLFRIEND's picture resides safely in the big one, and in a magazine i had laying around I saw a really neat picture so I clipped it out and put it in the small one...
Haha what I find funny about it is, why would he have to ask the troops about the general security in iraq, security preparations for the vote in iraq, and training of the iraqi troops when HE IS THE PRESIDENT, HE SHOULD ALREADY KNOW.
Imagine an entire oz into 1 roll. Yes, 4/20 was quite a party.
But no, NORML, as Ennui posted, does not condone the use for children or deny any of the health risks. Saying that without actually knowing is countuing to buy into the propaganda continually spewed out.
Haha, I have a watch that...
V8 is ****ing awful. It's like bad, cold, tomato soup with small chunks of crap in it.
But V8 fruit juice is damn good, try that instead. Same concept but with fruit instead of vegetables.
You know, I will defend violent videogames until the end unless they're unneccesarily violent and just distastful (LIKE manhunt, it was pretty bad, but GTA? Come on!) but I really don't mind that people are opposing them, it's thier right to speak thier opinion, but Jack Thompson is just so...
Well, as much as I agree Bush is a fascist, hah, I don't think this is any sign of it as I'm pretty sure that every president in US History has done things exactly like this. It's not good business, it's just politics.
Not only are there zero recorded cancer cases from smoking pot, there are zero recorded deaths from smoking pot in general (but there are some from the stupid things some stupid people do when high... some people, like dirnking, just should not smoke)
You pretty much cannot overdose on...
Haha I have no idea how to make a vaporizer, and they are damn expensive, but good thing about water is it cleans some of the carcinogens out...
And Voodoo_Chile, im serious about watching the movie Grass, its almost completely unbiased and just lays out the facts, good and bad.
EDIT: Here's a...