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  1. Dagobert

    Late november release = bull

    Just enjoying humiliating the idiots.
  2. Dagobert

    Late november release = bull

    I :cat: SAID :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY BUMPY :cat: BUMP. :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY BUMP. LA LA LA LA LA LA LA :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY BUMPY BUMP.
  3. Dagobert

    Late november release = bull

    I :cat: SAID :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY BUMPY :cat: BUMP. :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY BUMP. LA LA LA LA LA LA LA :cat: BUMPY :cat: BUMPY BUMPY BUMP.
  4. Dagobert

    Half-Life 2 Review in #107 of PC Powerplay

    Still, glad he cleared up the Battlefield book issue.
  5. Dagobert

    Has anyone else seen this?

    Dude, I know. I was simply pointing out the context of these sort of things, just in case some of the people here don't know about it.
  6. Dagobert

    Has anyone else seen this?

    'Hello, my name is Gabe Newell, Softimage gave us a 40% discount on seats for XSi if I agreed to sit at a table and read from these prompt boards.'
  7. Dagobert

    At which point should we give up hope...

    The Game Will Be Released At The End Of November.
  8. Dagobert

    CVG - HL2 submitted for classification. Vivendi consider it finished. "as far as Vivendi is concerned, the game [Half-Life 2] is finished" For those who aren't members...
  9. Dagobert

    This MUST be the last pre-load

    What makes you think that HL: S will be made available to us before HL2? Now they have our money they can release stuff whenever they like.
  10. Dagobert

    i want my crossbow!!!!!!!!

    The crossbow was the weapon of choice in the final boss battle in HL1.
  11. Dagobert

    How is it not gold?

    50% of the reviews you read are from 'unfinished code'.
  12. Dagobert

    Steam Platform Updating...

    Some bug fixes for CS: S?
  13. Dagobert

    RUMOR!!! HL2 already gold! RUMOR!!!

    Halo 2 just went gold and comes out in 27 days. Games usually take this long to be manufactured and distributed.
  14. Dagobert

    halo 2 leaked, half life 2 leak again?

    All over the f**king internet.
  15. Dagobert

    The game has got to go gold by...

    This is common knowledge to anyone who works in a game store. Games do not get released in December.
  16. Dagobert

    The game has got to go gold by...

    As I sometimes have to do, I'm making this bold and big so you pay attention. Retail stores in the US take their final holiday orders for new titles something like a week before thanksgiving. Therefore the game has to go gold at the very latest at the start of November, to give enough time...
  17. Dagobert

    Bugs, not Vivendi, Holding HL2

    Because reviewers ALWAYS play unfinished code for reviews, they are used to bugs, and usually write under the assumptions that the bugs will be fixed. By three showstoppers I'm sure they mean 'with this hardware config the game crashes here', if you do this bizarre thing here you get stuck in...
  18. Dagobert

    According to release dates: LISTEN TO VU OR VALVE

    Dude, that's exactly what I said in point one above.
  19. Dagobert

    According to release dates: LISTEN TO VU OR VALVE

    HL2 isn't shrouded in more uncertainly than most titles. Most titles are not under the same scrutiny as HL2. Anyway, the game is past the RC submission stage. This is not an uncertain time, the game will be out in a couple of months at the latest.
  20. Dagobert

    City 1

    Then how come the PC Zone UK review refers to them as such? Let me get this straight, so I can bookmark this thread for later reference - you don't belive that the 'Combine' are a combined force of humans like Breen and the aliens that were in control of Xen in HL2? You don't beleive that...